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RCA 155-C Oscilloscope Advertisement
October 1945 Radio News

October 1945 Radio News
October 1945 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Did you know RCA (Radio Corporation of America) used to manufacture and sell oscilloscopes? The Model 155-C oscilloscope was promoted quite aggressively in the mid 1940s as a breakthrough instrument. A quick Google search shows that not many survived, and they are not particularly sought-after by vintage test equipment collectors. It seems the quality of the metal chassis was not very good, although the electronics get high marks. You can pick one up on eBay occasionally for fairly cheap. Oscilloscope Museum has an example of an RCA 155-C oscilloscope (lots of links on the page to images, manual, etc., but they can be hard to find).

RCA 155-C Oscilloscope Ad

RCA 155-C Oscilloscope Advertisement, October 1945 Radio News - RF CafeThe 155-C - A Versatile Oscilloscope

Wherever a general-purpose oscilloscope is required, the RCA 155-C is the choice. Designed for simple operation, faithful reproduction, accurate comparisons, and quick results, this oscilloscope is fast becoming standard equipment in laboratories and service shops.

The 155-C is different from other 3" oscilloscopes because it includes a built-in light shield, removable graph screen, direct deflector connection, binding jacks (a combination binding-post and pin jack), a 6-volt AC terminal, and an improved-timing axis oscillator.

Completely portable and attractively cased, this instrument is priced within the reach of owners of small shops and laboratories.

Mail the Coupon for Further Technical Details

Test and Measuring Equipment Section

Radio Corporation of America

Camden, N. J.

Please send me information about the RCA 155-C Oscilloscope.

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Radio Corporation of America

RCA Victor Division - Camden, N. J.

In Canada, RCA Victor Company, Limited, Montreal



Posted March 14, 2022
(updated from original post on 3/17/2015)

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