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United Electronics Company Advertisement
April 1945 Radio News

April 1945 Radio News
April 1945 Radio News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

"QRT" is the Q-code used in amateur radio to tell someone to stop transmitting. Hams very much anticipated the day when Germany and Japan would be defeated, the war would end, and they could go home to resume their beloved radio hobby. You might know - or not - that during World War II ham radio transmissions were prohibited in the U.S. for a mix of reasons. Foremost was to inhibit the broadcasting of information, intentionally or unintentionally, that might give away strategic military strategy. Innocent chatter about whose son left for boot camp, where he was going afterwards, what his ambitions and fortes were, which factory Mom and Aunt Rosie worked for and what they did (Auntie was riveter, maybe), who died in service to his country, blackout hours, scrap material recycling collections, all was potential fodder for enemy tacticians. Another reason for the prohibition was to free up production materials and labor for the making of military equipment. The fate of the free world depended on it - literally.

United Electronics Company Ad

United Electronics Company Advertisement, April 1945 Radio News - RF CafeAfter Adolph and Tojo are Q•R•T

The rig he left behind is due for a big change when GI Joe comes home. War experience has been an "eye opener" for him. From chassis to sky wire many pre-war Ham outfits will undergo a major alteration and amazing technical advances will be put into practice. Stimulated by training and experience gained in the armed services thousands of new enthusiasts will swell the ranks of amateur radio.

When the gang goes back on the air again, CQ'ing, SS or DX; United will be ready to serve the Amateur with war-perfected Transmitting Tubes.

Since 1934 United has specialized in engineering, designing and building Transmitting Tubes that set the Quality Standard for the entire Radio Industry. When performance counts United Tubes provide a maximum of electronic efficiency - plus a long and dependable life. Accept nothing less than United quality for your own tube requirements.

Order direct or from your electronic parts jobber.

Masterpiece of Skilled Hands

Back The Attack

Buy More War Bonds

United Electronics Company

Newark, 2 New Jersey

Transmitting Tubes Exclusively Since 1934



Posted September 30, 2022
(updated from original post on 11/9/2014)

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe