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Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)

Weller Soldering Gun Advertisement
May 1952 Radio & Television News

May 1952 Radio & Television News
May 1952 Radio & Television News Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio & Television News, published 1919-1959. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Do you think any tool company would publish an advertisement like this in today's hypersensitive environment? When Weller ran the ad shown below in the May 1952 issue of Radio & Television News magazine, nobody anywhere could have conceived of a world six decades later where the mere sight or mention of a gun would send snowflake types running for the nearest safe space (which, sadly, has a special symbol Safe Space sign - RF Cafe a la a nuclear fallout shelter). It is a little surprising that Weller still markets the tool as a soldering gun rather than, say a heavy-duty, finger-operated, palm-conforming, graspable soldering implement ;-(   Does anyone know whether soldering guns are allowed in schools these days? Zero Tolerance policies would require any student or teacher picking one up to be expelled for feigning to point a pistol at someone. Think I'm kidding? Have you read about the seven-year-old kid who got suspended for biting a Pop Tart into the shape of a pistol?

Weller Soldering Guns Ad

Weller Soldering Guns, May 1952 Radio & Television News - RF CafeFamous Guns

Deringer Percussion Pistol Model 1843, product of Henry Deringer of Philadelphia. Deringer's large caliber, short barreled picket pistols were so popular that others imitated them - calling them "derringers".

John Wilkes Booth used a Deringer to assassinate Lincoln.

Trap or Doorjamb Pistol, Caliber .31, made by North & Couch, Middletown, Conn. This lethal little device protected householders against burglars. Fixed to the doorjamb, with a cord running from muzzle rod to door, the pistol fired all its barrels into any intruder.

Weller Instant-heating Soldering Gun for light or heavy work. Dual heat greatly increases tip life. Switch instantly to high or low heat as job requires. Pre-focused spotlights end "blind soldering". Exclusive tip-fastening arrangement assures full, constant heat. High-impact plastic housing. Perfect balance. Low-cost replaceable tips. Pays for itself in a few months. See at your Distributor or write for Bulletin direct.

Get Soldering Tips, new Weller Handy Guide to faster, easier soldering. 20 pages fully illustrated. Price 10c at your Distributor or order direct.

Soldering Guns 810 Packer Street, Easton, Pa.

The Finest Soldering Tool for the Finest Craftsmen



Posted February 7, 2019

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

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