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Tech-Related Comics
The Saturday Evening Post

A few years back, I bought the issues of The Saturday Evening Post which contained the very first published comics from Peanuts creator Charles Schulz. As with just about everything else, they were available on eBay for a few bucks apiece (although prices have really gone up since the beginning of the year). Most of the issues also had articles and advertisements - and even comics - that make appropriate fodder for both RF Cafe and my hobby website, Airplanes and Rockets. Here are a few of the tech-related comics I found. The first one might seem to be a bit distasteful to the survivors of the RMS Titanic disaster and/or their relatives, given that only 36 years had passed. The middle one is about architectural engineer's expertise on how structures are built, and the Hazel comic (raise your hand if you remember watching the show) qualifies since it applies to the recreational habit of many engineers and engineering managers. FYI, I colorized the original B&W line drawings.

The Saturday Evening Post
November 6, 1948November 6, 1948 The Saturday Evening Post Cover - RF Cafe

[Table of Contents]  These articles are scanned and OCRed from old editions of the The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Here is a list of the The Saturday Evening Post articles I have already posted. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Wireless Room, Saturday Evening Post - RF Cafe

"... l ... o ... n ... g ... i ... t ... u ... d ..."
Saturday Evening Post, November 6, 1948 (p74) 

The Saturday Evening Post
July 16, 1949July 16, 1949 The Saturday Evening Post Cover - RF Cafe

[Table of Contents]  These articles are scanned and OCRed from old editions of the The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Here is a list of the The Saturday Evening Post articles I have already posted. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Comic Saturday Evening Post September 16, 1949 - RF Cafe

"This is Professor Schmertz, authority on structural engineering. He wants to ask you something."
Saturday Evening Post, July 16, 1949 (p72)


The Saturday Evening Post
February 11, 1950February 11, 1950 The Saturday Evening Post Cover - RF Cafe

[Table of Contents] These articles are scanned and OCRed from old editions of the The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Here is a list of the The Saturday Evening Post articles I have already posted. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Hazel comic, Saturday Evening Post, February 11, 1950 - RF Cafe

Hazel - "... Keeping the left arm straight ..."
Saturday Evening Post, February 11, 1950 (p130)



Posted May 3, 2024
(updated from original post on 7/30/2018)

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