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Philco Refrigerator Advertisement
November 6, 1948 - The Saturday Evening Post

The Saturday Evening Post
November 6, 1948November 6, 1948 The Saturday Evening Post Cover - RF Cafe

[Table of Contents]  These articles are scanned and OCRed from old editions of the The Saturday Evening Post magazine. Here is a list of the The Saturday Evening Post articles I have already posted. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

As was the case for many of America's electronics manufacturing giants of the 20th century - General Electric, Westinghouse, Crosley, etc. - Philco also had extensive lines of household appliances (Crosley might have outdone them all by producing automobiles as well). Here is an advertisement for a Philco refrigerator-freezer which appeared in the November 6, 1948, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. Interestingly, the Alice in Wonderland theme occurred a few years before the 1951 Disney movie, so its popularity would have been based on the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, book published by Lewis Carroll in 1865. Note that the huge "freezer locker" is not claimed to be frost-free (aka frostless). That convenience did become commonly available until a decade later in the 1950's. I remember as a kid having to defrost the freezer using a hair dryer. Our family's first frost-free refrigerator - a side-by-side model - didn't get bought until sometime in the late early 1970's. 

Philco Refrigerator Advertisement

 - RF Cafe

"What a HUGE Freezer Locker!" cried Alice...


"HERE's a feature," Alice said, "That adds to Philco's fame

At last, a freezer locker really worthy of the name."

Huge space reserved exclusively for frozen foods galore,

Full width, full depth and all enclosed with insulated door.

Refrigerator, Freezer ... both, in compact space combine.

Be sure to ask your dealer for PHILCO ADVANCED DESIGN.


It's a WONDERful Refrigerator


Shift the shelves to suit yourself; make space for foods of any size or shape.


Summer-Winter Control

At last, you maintain balanced humidity that's just right in any climate or season.


Transparent Conservador

Exclusive Philco shelf-lined inner door doubles the front shelf space; keeps foods used most often at your fingertips.


It's a WONDERful Freezer!

PHILCO AV-75 - Spacious 7½ cu. ft. upright home freezer. Holds up to 300 pounds of frozen foods. Fits small floor areas. 3 compartments. Temperatures as low as 15° below zero. Deluxe equipment; exclusive features. See it now at your Philco Dealer.

Famous for Quality the World Over



Posted October 1, 2018

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