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All of these advertisements appeared in the August 2022 issue of Microwave Journal (print edition). They appear in no particular order. (See 7/2022)

AT Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

AT Microwave

Analog Devices August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Analog Devices

Agile Microwave Technology August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Agile Microwave Technology

Exodus Advanced Communications August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications

Exceed Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Exceed Microwave

Empower RF Systems  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Empower RF Systems

 August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Impulse Technologies August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Impulse Technologies 

Herotek August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Millimeter Wave Technologies August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Millimeter Wave Technologies August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

MCV Microwave

Norden Millimeter August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Norden Millimeter 

Networks International Corp. (NIC)  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Networks International Corp. (NIC)

QuarterWave Corp.  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

QuarterWave Corp.

Piconics August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Quantic Wenzel  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Quantic Wenzel

Rogers Corporation  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Rogers Corporation

Wolfspeed  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Wurth Elektronik  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Wurth Elektronik

Synergy Microwave  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Synergy Microwave

Virginia Diodes (VDI) August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Virginia Diodes (VDI)

Werlatone  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Tecdia August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


WilsonPro  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Anritsu August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Coilcraft August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Eclipse Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Eclipse Microwave

Comtech Telecommunications August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Comtech Telecommunications

AnaPico Berkeley Nucleonics Corp. August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

AnaPico | Berkeley Nucleonics Corp.

Centric RF  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Centric RF

B&Z Technologies August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

B&Z Technologies 

Eravant August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Electro Technik  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Electro Technik

Insulated Wire August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Insulated Wire 

Hasco Components August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Hasco Components 

HyperLabs  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Microsanj  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Mini-Circuits August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Mini-Circuits August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Morion August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Passive Plus (PPI) August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Passive Plus (PPI) 

PicoProbe  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Samtec August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


RF Lambda  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

RF Lambda

RFHIC  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


TotalTemp Technologies  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies

Signal Hound  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Signal Hound

Tecdia August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Altum RF August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Altum RF

LPKF Laser & Electronics August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

LPKF Laser & Electronics

Accel RF August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Accel RF

Besser Associates August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Besser Associates

Ansys August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Electro-Photonics August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Fairview Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Fairview Microwave 

MI Cable August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

MI Cable 

LadyBug Technologies August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

LadyBug Technologies

Marki Microwave  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Marki Microwave

Kyocera | AVX August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Kyocera | AVX

Mini-Circuits August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Mini-Circuits August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


OML August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Peraso August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


Renesas August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe


RLC Electronics  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

RLC Electronics

Resistive Products  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Resistive Products

Spinner August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Spinner Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Southwest Microwave

Synergy Microwave August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Synergy Microwave 

Weinschel and Associates August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Weinschel and Associates 

Wright Technologies  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Wright Technologies

Signal Microwave  August 2022 MWJ Ad - RF Cafe

Signal Microwave

It has been my belief† for a long time that the vast majority of print magazine advertisements are never seen by potential customers because very few of those potential customers ever bother to pick up a print magazine. More than a decade ago (around 2007) when I was spending my last days working in a corporate environment, I do not ever recall seeing anyone reading a trade magazine, be it Microwave Journal, Microwaves & RF, Electronic Design, EE|Times, or any of the others. In fact, most of the magazines I saw were deposited in the mail room recycle or trash bin before they ever made it to an engineer's, technician's, or manager's desk. That is not to say or imply the magazines are not excellent - they are, indeed - but even back then most people were getting their needed information online. Being able to show a print version circulation number to advertisers does not in any way correlate directly to the number of potential customers who will ever see their advertisements.

I still like to read through the print versions of magazines to look for useful fodder for posting here on RF Cafe (I do the same thing for my hobby website, The quality of the advertisements is outstanding; artists and layout folks at the companies do amazing work. It's a shame almost nobody will ever see and appreciate it. I see it, and I appreciate it.

Oddly enough, almost none of these ads (usually full-page or even 2 page) are made available on the companies' websites. I don't know why ... they should be. Online versions of the magazines usually include advertisement placements like in the print versions.

In an effort to make what I consider to be very well done and useful information available to engineers, technicians, managers, students, and hobbyists (who often are a combination of two or more of the aforementioned), I am going to scan and post a sampling of the advertisements here on RF Cafe. With RF Cafe prominence in Internet searches using major search engines, there is a good likelihood that one of the company advertisements will appear - especially in an image search. Images are unaltered from the original scan other than for contrast and lightness in order to minimize noise.

If any company is opposed to having its advertisement displayed here, please send me an e-mail and I will remove it immediately. There is no charge or expectation of an in-kind promotion, favor, or payment of any form. This is a service to RF Cafe visitors and to the companies who keep them employed and supplied with needed products and services. In fact, that is what RF Cafe has always been about since its inception in July of 1999!

† This is my opinion based on personal observation. The situation might change over time without my noticing it.



Posted September 18, 2022

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe


Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe