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RF Cascade Workbook for Excel

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These Are Available for Free

Espresso Engineering Workbook™

Smith Chart™ for Excel


Note: RF Cascade Workbook 2005™ has been superseded by

RF Cascade Workbook 2018™

aka Wireless System Designer™


Please go to the RF Cascade Workbook 2018™

webpage for features and purchasing information.

Thank you.

User's Guide


Site License
Site License allows an unlimited number of users at one (1) location. Users must be officially affiliated with the site during the time of use. That means the license does not follow a user who permanently leaves the site (graduation, new employment, etc.). The license extends to persons whose primary job is normally performed at that location, but works occasionally from home or at a remote location. Hobbyists employed at the same location are welcome and encouraged to use the software. The single location restriction is imposed to limit distribution to local use for companies with multiple physical locations. This software may not be redistributed in any form, nor posted on the Internet or anywhere that it can be publicly accessed. The file(s) may be distributed on a server, via e-mail, etc., as needed.

System Requirements: Windows XP, Microsoft Excel 2003 or newer.

(file will be sent via e-mail shortly after receipt of payment)
Complete User's Guide is Online

      -- RF Cascade Analysis --

          -- Now Includes Filter and Mixer/LO

                 Frequency Calculations --

  • 50- and 100-component versions are available at no additional cost.

Graham Seale has provided an example of RF Cascade Workbook 2005 running under the Linux OS.

RF Cascade Workbook 2005 filter response screen - RF CafeRF Cascade Workbook 2005 (RFCW2005), a sophisticated Excel spreadsheet workbook, is built on the format of RFCW2003, and now includes filter response and frequency conversion. The number of filters and mixers that can be used are limited only by Excel and your computer. Additionally, 2nd-order calculations that were introduced in RFCW2004 are included. A return to the RF Cascade Workbook 2003 format was chosen because the necessary multi-page format makes adding and deleting components simpler. RF cascade analysis.

RF Cascade Workbook 2005 component input parameters screen - RF CafeAll of the formulas used in RF Cascade Workbook 2005 are presented in the highly detailed User's Guide to assist in understanding the operation of the spreadsheet. RF Cascade Workbook 2005 frequency inversion - RF CafeMost calculations are implemented in VBA code, which makes customization more convenient and keeps clutter out of the cells. This is especially helpful in the case of conditional formulas. Expansion of the workbook to include custom calculations is a simple matter.

RF Cascade Workbook 2005 tolerance screen - RF CafeNote: The file is saved in a format that accommodates back through Excel 95. If you are using Excel version 2002 or newer, re-saving the file in the newer format will reduce the file to about half its current size.

RF Cascade Workbook 2005 input specification screen - RF CafeRF Cascade Workbook 2005 results screen - RF CafeThe User's guide presents useful system design information such as one of the best graphical explanations of spectral inversion you will see (IMHO). Click here to view the entire User's Guide, and then order the software . I have a PDF version of the User's Guide for owners if you write to request it. Thanks.


Note: Version 1.11 changes the value used for testing saturation conditions from

         P[sig]min to P[sig]max. This assures that the worst-case combination of

         power and signal gain are accounted for.

         Thanks to Ken H. for the suggestion.

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe