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multi-channel wireless data - RF Cafe Forums
Post subject: multi-channel wireless data
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:47 pm
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2005
5:51 pm Posts: 4 |
I am interested in sending four channels of physiological
telemetry data wirelessly so the information can
be monitored in real time. RF transmitters that
I have found only allow me to send data from one
channel at a time, however, I would like to send
all the data continuously. Can anyone suggest a
method or RF transmitter IC in order to accomplishing
this? Thank you in advance.
fred47 |
Post subject: Re: multi-channel wireless data
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:25 pm
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2006
3:51 pm Posts: 104 |
You need to multiplex the data prior to transmission,
and demultiplex the data afterwards.
that "multiplex" means is "combine the signals into
a single signal, in a way that they can be separated
later". "Demultiplex" is just the separation afterwards.
Since it's physiological data, I assume that
it's limited bandwidth. One way to send that kind
of data is to modulate an audio subcarrier for each
of your four signals. The modulation could be either
AM or FM. Each subcarrier would be at a different
frequency. For example, you might place a subcarrier
at 500 Hz, 1kHz, 1.5 kHz, and 2 kHz. Traditionally,
FM is used. The subcarriers are then added, and
applied to the transmitter.
The modulation
might be done these days with a small microprocessor
such as the TI MSP-430 or one of the Atmel ATMini,
ATMega, or AT32. In earlier days I might have used
a 555 timer chip and a low-pass filter, but that
would not give as good performance.
At the
receive end, the output from your single-channel
receiver would feed 4 bandpass filters (to separate
out each of the subcarriers), and 4 demodulators.
Filtering and demodulation would be easiest
with a DSP chip - TI's "Piccolo" might be a good
choice. TI sells small and inexpensive demo systems,
along with a complete development software.
In the "really expensive" category, IRIG telemetry
equipment might be used - Google it - but that's
probably out of budget range.
Good Luck!
NOFX30 |
Post subject: Re: multi-channel wireless data
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:55 pm
Joined: Mon Mar 14, 2005
5:51 pm Posts: 4 |
Thank you very much for your reply. This is a great
idea and I will look into implementing this.
Posted 11/12/2012