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Breaking into RF Design - RF Cafe Forums
Designer Hopeful Post subject: Breaking into RF Design. Unread
postPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:39 am
Hi all.
I'm a recent
grad from an accredited Canadian Engineering School. I have B.Eng in
Electrical Engineering and 3 years of experience (over and above University)
under my belt. That experience was High Speed Digital Test and some
GIS DB contracting. Thing is, I want to get into design but cannot go
back to school right now for Masters (is this necessary?). How to break
into RF design without any practical experience on the job? I'm willing
to start at another position and work into it, but not even sure how
to do that.
Any feedback appreciated.
Itay Post subject: Unread postPosted: Fri
Jun 04, 2004 12:58 pm
You may start with RF
testing position, this could be with with writing testing applications
for various RF products in LabView or HPVEE, this is the best way for
a beginner to enter into this exciting field. I assume you have programming
background especially if your experience covers Digital Testing... In
this kind of position you would gain experience in overall RF product
lifecycle, which is very important for good RF designer.
this helps.
Good luck, Itay
Post subject: proud of my European degree Unread postPosted:
Sat Jun 05, 2004 2:35 am
Which Canadian University? Engineering
profession is like other professions, you learn your whole life. You
want to convert from paper-engineer to real-engineer? Get a whatever
job. 1/If you want to be real engineer, contact local club and the
guys there. Start, built, and design your own projects. Discuss the
problems in DIALOGUE. Like in the old good times. Learn, improve, make
another project. Do not buy things, just do it yourself. 2/ After
you finish your fifth or tenth working project, mabe you will be able
to distinguish between the talkers and real ones. Have a good ride,
and tell me your call sign.
Designer Hopeful
Post subject: Which University? Unread postPosted: Sat Jun 05,
2004 8:19 am
Well...I was at Dalhousie University in Halifax.
Ugly situation after I got there since what used to be TUNS (Technical
University of Nova Scotia - very well respected in industry) became
DALTech because Dalhousie University wanted an engineering school.
I still have 2 years High Speed Digital Test Experience on top of
2 years Technical School exp. prior to entering University (B.Sc.EET)
Excellent grades but I decided not to finish - wanted actual engineering
degree (maybe a mistake).
Anyway, RF experience on one's own
is hard to get without some cash. Need job for money to get that exp.
Preferrably RF-related.
Now as to where...my wife is from Dallas
and I am in midst of getting Visa (eventually Green Card or citizenship)
and will be legal down there by July. Though if I had offer now, TN
Visa would be option.
Post subject: Unread postPosted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:24 pm
all right, wise move.
Posted 11/12/2012
