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Engineers Affected by Hurricane Katrina - RF Cafe Forums
Kirt Blattenberger Post subject: Engineers Affected by Hurricane
Katrina Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:02 pm
Site Admin
Joined: Sun Aug 03, 2003 2:02 pm Posts: 308 Location: Erie,
PA Greetings:
How are the high tech companies and engineers
affected by Hurricane Katrina doing?
I have been in contact with
one engineer that lived and worked very close to the Lake Pontchartrain
levee. His company, AMDS Wireless, and Axonn, both RF companies located
near the lake, were spared from a lot of the flooding, but did suffer
wind and rain damage. Sadly, one of their biggest concerns is looting.
From what I'm told, both companies are still issuing paychecks during
the down time (hoorah for the management!).
If you are or know
of anyone affected by Katrina, whether in Louisiana, Alabama, or Mississippi,
please let us know your situation here. Maybe someone can help.
_________________ - Kirt Blattenberger RF Cafe Progenitor &
Guest Post subject: Posted: Mon
Sep 12, 2005 1:04 pm I'm surprised to see any legitimate high-tech
business in New Orleans. Good luck to the guys and gals there.
Personally, I think New Orleans is a nasty place. It is full of
human debris in the form of crooked politicians, cops and firemen, street
thugs, drug dealers, whoes, thieves, cult whackos, and just plain lunatics.
Sure that can be said to some extent of any large city, but New Orleans
was proud of their level of destitution. I had to go there a couple
times to drop people off at the airport, and even from the elevated
highways you could see the utter wretchedness below. I've never ventured
to the French Quarter or Bourbon Street.
I say let it be a wetlands
area and just rebuild the ports and any necessary infrastructure - on
high ground. I want to puke every time I hear the rebuilding estimate
bump up another $10 billion. That's coming out of our pockets, people.
All the stinking politicians stand in line first to blame the others,
then to announce their personal bill proposing another whopping chunk
of my tax money.
I'm also tired of hearing about the racism issue.
Why do the Black "leaders" get away with unbridled racism? Why do they
get away with blaming everything on Whitey? Take a look at who's providing
the vast majority of the physical and financial assistance. That goes
for donors not just in the U.S. but around the world. I think it's time
the Black racists are told to knock off the blame game and start being
grateful for the help. Otherwise, they might just talk themselves into
a situation where they'll get no more help.
Posted 11/12/2012
