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Frustrated grad looking for RF work - RF Cafe Forums
andrewj Post subject: Frustrated grad looking for RF work Posted:
Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:41 pm
Joined: Wed Jul
13, 2005 10:10 pm Posts: 1 Hello all!
I am a recent grad(Dec
04)from KSU with a BS in EE and emphasis in communications. I am extremely
excited to start a career in RF and/or wireless but have not had any
luck as of yet. Most companies with RF openings seem to be looking for
a seasoned veteran. In a recent post it was suggested to look for an
RF testing position. This is very helpful and good to know. Can anyone
else offer any suggestions on starting in this field? Where to try looking?
What to look for? What companies are looking for? Who to talk with maybe?
I would appreciate any advice.
Thanks for your time!
RF_dude Post subject: Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:36
pm Hi andrew,
Even I am a dec'04 grad....searched for a job
atleast for 3 months..had interviews with nortel, intel (i rejected
them - n now repenting it, long story), commASIC, bosch research n others....
out of these, nortel wanted a US citizen, commASIC and bosch wanted
experienced people..n i told intel after getting cleared in their interview
that I had accepted employment from another company (ref to the post:
similar case to shotdown)...
I totally agree with you that companies
are looking for experienced people. Though I have a strong background
in UWB and WLANs, I hardly got any calls from the WLAN and UWB companies....
but i would just suggest you to keep broadcasting yr resume (yeah
yeah.. all people will suggest you the same).. but it worked for me..
atleast I got a few good interview calls.....
n do a very good
job on yr resume too..one page shud be enof unless u hv 3-4 yrs experience...try
putting in as many RF keywords as you can posibly gather from yr research
in the univ...make a separate section on 'skills and qualifications',
listing in wht knowledge u hv..n put this section the 1st thing after
yr contact details..i neva put an objective on my resume coz the HR
already knows the reason for my resume to be in their inbox
n ya.. enjoy as much as you can ( i wuz in NJ n used to go to NY city
every weekend to party, no joking).. coz if you get frustrated, u lose
confidence, which is the 1st key thing reqd in all telephone interviews.....all
this from personal experience ........
hope this helps.....
mshafer Post subject: Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005
12:25 pm
Joined: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:49 pm
Posts: 29 Location: Overland Park, Kansas Here's a copy of an
earlier post I did......let me know if this looks interesting....
A select # of openings are available on my team here at Sprint's
World Headquarters in Overland Park, Kansas. * The more you know,
the more your grow on this team! * Knowledge and learning is #1
on this team! * We study CDMA to it's greatest depths in an effort
to improve how it operates * We want the best and brightest RF thinkers
to join us! * We impact Sprint to the tune of $400 million dollars
positive just in the last 4 years. * We are proud to be the "nerds"
of CDMA. * We solve the toughest RF problems Sprint has and then
apply our solutions to the entire nation! * We are bookworms and
studious, but the real payoff is when we apply all that we have learned
to save $ and make Sprint #1 * We have great oral presentation skills
because each engineer gets credit for the great ideas they originate
- they get exposure to Sprint's senior most executives on a regular
basis. * We originate new algorithms that Nortel, Lucent, Motorola,
and Samsung who then put our ideas into test loads that we trial in
a market and then finally once the data proves in, they put it into
their code * We have 37 patents from our team in the last 4 years
- most for any team at Sprint - (Sprint also pays each person $1000
for each patent they have approved) * We have a weekend cricket
match most every week * Sand volleyball is on Wednesday's *
Go Fish night at my house every other Thursday * Average commute
time for our team is 5 minutes! * Average 2 bedroom upscale apartment
is $600 per month Email me your resume : e.m.shafer@mail.sprint.com
_________________ If you love CDMA, you have to come join my
Posted 11/12/2012
