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Resume Guidelines - RF Cafe Forums
Post subject: Resume Guidelines
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 2:52 pm
Joined: Thu Jun 18, 2009
7:32 pm Posts: 3 |
Hi guys
How long can a resume be for a person
with two years experience with MS degree? What are
the guidelines. Somebody told me it shouldn't exceed
more than a page if you have less than five years
experience! Is that true?
How long should
be a project description for a job related project
(project you did at your previous job)? How many
bullets are usually a safe bet? A recruiter once
told me to write as much description for a project
as possible. If I do so my resume runs into four
pages with just two years of experience (plus MS)?
Any website for engineering resumes?
Thanks all
Posted 11/12/2012
