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 Post subject: RFQ - Desktop Power Beaming Demonstrator
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:42 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:03 pm
Posts: 5
Location: Oregon, USA
I am Vice President of a 501-c(3) tax exempt group (Moon Society) and we are considering adopting this project, and raising funds for it.

Therefore we are interested in your cost estimate for an RF systems as follows:


Please see graphic attached.

http://tech.ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/s ... w/bc69?b=1

AIM: Have a Roadshow-portable model that demonstrates the Power beaming (Wireless Power transmission) concept end-to-end, and as close to the real technology as possible.

We want to show:

1) What it looks like as a complete system
2) That it works & how
3) That it is safe

Distance from transmitter to rectenna about one foot, or 30 centimetres.

Intensity of beam shall be low enough that a member of the public can hold their hand into the beam with no harmful effect.

The rectenna shall be large enough that it can collect enough energy from the low density beam that it can power an LED.

The PV power supply, and the chassis and framework which will support the RF system will be provided by the Moon Society using volunteer resources.

This display demonstrator will be used to promote the concept of power beaming from space and will be targeted media appearances.
Therefore it might be opportunity for more publicity for your company if that might be of interest, e.g. placing your logo on the apparatus.

There are very few people working actively with rectennas today, and difficult to find.

Your thoughts and cost estimates wold be welcome.


Charles F. Radley

Associate Fellow AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) My Yahoo Inst Msgr ID = CFRJLR My AOL Inst Msgr ID = CFRJLR My Skype ID = CFRJLR My phone/fax = USA: +1-503-579-4686

 Post subject:
Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 2:09 pm 
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Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:25 pm
Posts: 24
Location: Burnaby
Hi cfrjlr,

I designed a similar system for high voltage application. It supplys the sensor mounted on high voltage transmission device via 2450MHz microwave. I may give you some my opinions about MPT (Microwave Power Transimission).

I can't see your graphic although I have registered in Yahoo, so the following are what I think based on my experience.

1) Which frequency are you select? Definitely we should select a ISM frequency. 2.4GHz are 5.8GHz are commonly used for such applications but their cost are totally different.

2) What kind of microwave generator are you prefer? A solid source implemented with microwave transistors is convenient but expensive. On the contrary, a magnetron source is cost-effective but needs high power supply.

3) Whether the microwave beam is harmful depends on microwave radiation density as well as exposure time a humand hand in the beam. There is a standard you may follow and the standards vary in different countries.

4) The cost of a rectenna roughly depends on its area. Meanwhile, the efficiency and manufacture technique are the factors determining the cost as well.

I hope it is little helpful for your project.

 Post subject:
Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:01 pm 
Charles F. Radley,

I am part of a consultant workgroup, we have a lot of experience designing custom hardware and software for wireless communications. We provide outsourcing services. I´d like you to visit our web page, and of course to let you know that we are at your services.
We are View Research & Development (www.viewrd.com.ar/indexEng.htm)

Please contact us for this issue, we find it very interesting, we would like to work on it.

Best Regards

Posted  11/12/2012
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