Dear distinguished guests of the forum,
reference to the 8902A specifications especially
the FM/PM and AM accuracy published in the document
, i would be obliged if anyone here can point out
the differences in the said specs compared to the
ones published by some accredited calibration labs
using the same instruments.
For an example
, the Freq Modulation accuracy(as stated in the
8902A spec sheet) is given as +2% of reading + 1
digit at freqs ranges 250kHz - 10MHz at rates 20
Hz -10kHz at deviation less than 40kHz peak.
But Agilent in its scope states it at 0.024FM +10Hz
But using the same instruments , the accuracy
should be 2% + 1 digit ,agreed?
Can i rewrite
the accuracy as 0.02FM + 10 Hz peak?
about Amplitude Modulation accuracy then?
8902A specs state +2% of reading + 1 digit at freq
range 150kHz -10MHz at rates 50Hz - 10kHz and depths
5%-99% but again Agilent scope states it at 0.025
AM + 0.14 %......
Should it not be 0.02AM + 0.1%
I hope someone can help explain this