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"Back on the Air" - Musical Tribute to Ham Radio
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"Back on the Air," by Allen Chance (W2BUZ) and Paul Rogers

The "Up Front" page of the May 2022 issue of QST magazine mentions a musical tribute to ham radio entitled, "Back on the Air," by Allen Chance (W2BUZ) and Paul Rogers. It has a soothing melody and the video is accompanied by photos matching the lyrics as it goes along. A repeating CW CW CW in Morse code can be heard in the background. You probably have to be a Ham operator to appreciate the message and visuals. Warning: If you are easily triggered by a couple "guy" pictures, this video is not for you; please move on.

As best as I can discern, these are the lyrics to "Back on the Air:"

If I was living in the country
In the best of all possible worlds
There'd be nothing there to bug me
Just a bunch of pretty girls

"Back on the Air" Country Antenna - RF Cafe  "Back on the Air" Pretty Girls - RF Cafe

You know what I'd be doing
It sure gets cold out there
At the end of the day I'm in my shack
Gettin' back on the air

"Back on the Air" Cold out There - RF Cafe  "Back on the Air" Shack - RF Cafe

I'm back in the shack
I'm back on the air
Getting back on the air

"Back on the Air" Back in the Shack - RF Cafe  "Back on the Air" Ham Shack - RF Cafe

If I was in the service
Stationed at "Fort God Knows Where"
(Your left, your right, your left your right
You had a good home You left, you're right)

"Back on the Air" Radio Service - RF Cafe  "Back on the Air" Marching - RF Cafe 

At the end of my watch
You'd find me in my swivel chair
Getting back on the air

"Back on the Air" 101st Airborne - RF Cafe 

If I was in prison
Facing the electric chair
My last wish, please grant it
Let me back on the air

"Back on the Air" If I Was in Prison - RF Cafe  "Back on the Air" San Quentin - RF Cafe

In the chair
Let me back on the air
To anywhere
Getting back on the air

"Back on the Air" Babe YL Operator - RF Cafe

Let me back on the air
To anywhere

"Back on the Air" Allen Chance (W2BUZ) - RF Cafe

In the chair
Let me back on the air
To anywhere
Getting back on the air
Cq, Cq, Cq W2BUZ   CQ CQ CQ (audio)



Posted April 15, 2022

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe
