Miss USA 2011 — Should Math Be Taught in Schools? Videos for Engineers
"Should Math Be Taught in Schools?" That was the question posed
to a group of Miss USA contestants featured in this video. The responses offered will surprise you...
or maybe not. Every year at beauty pageants, at least one answer to the pool of questions will elicit
a rambling, nonsensical, usually politically correct reply where you find yourself embarrassed for the
poor lass (disclaimer: I never watch them). In these days of instant video postings, if you screw up,
the whole world will know within hours. Probably the most memorable example of late was the during the
2007 Miss Teen USA contest where the question, "Recent
polls have shown at 1/5 of Americans can't locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?"
Miss South Carolina's answer: "I... personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so, because,
um, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such
as in South Africa and uh Iraq and everywhere like such as and I believe that they should uh... our
education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa and help the Iraq
and help the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future... for us." Thank goodness that
at least the Miss USA 2011 - Should Math Be Taught in Schools? skit is just a comic spoof.
What makes it believable is the equally likely chance that it was real. Now to be fair, if there was
a equivalent even for guys, I'm sure there would be equally moronic responses.. "Duuude, like, I personally
Should Math Be Taught in Schools?
2007 Miss Teen USA - Why Can't Americans Find the U.S. on a World
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the time and bandwidth was a scarce commodity. Dial-up modems blazed along at 14.4 kbps
while tying up your telephone line, and a lady's voice announced "You've Got Mail"
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