lot of effort has been expended working girls into the realm of the techie / geek / nerd (remember the
Nerd Girls video?) - a
label assiduously avoided by many boys... until they get rich from being one. The saga continues. "Hello
friends, don't you want to meet a nice girl?" That is the opening line in this music video produced by
Team Unicorn;, whose mantra is Geek
Girls: Like unicorns, we're not supposed to exist. 4 minutes and 19 seconds of women dancing in Lara
Croft cladding and hokily dressed guys in sci-fi garb evidently convinces todays' girls to cast off the straight
lace and don facade of super women who's 100-pound frames toss around 200-pound bad guys with the greatest of
ease, and dims the relative brightness of guys like Bill Gates the way a 100-watt light bulb looks black when held
in front of the sun. I had to watch it a couple times just to understand the message ;-) Sadly, I am
not familiar with any of the players in the video, but reportedly it is cast with movie stars and techie world
Warning: There's nothing too radical in here, but use discretion if playing in your cubicle.