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on the Russia-China border.
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A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword
puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and
"verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words.
cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing
crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and
the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles
that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.
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ACROSS 1. Has a successful dial-up session
7. A collection of sequentially run software commands 9.
Cabinet manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH 12. Section line through
a circle 13. R.A. ____, RF consultants 15. Data conversion
device, abbr. 16. Filter vendor 19. Logic gate 20.
Front edge of a wing, abbr. 22. Boolean expression, pl.
24. Chemical symbol for tantalum 25. Keyboard key 27.
Analog-to-Digital 28. Akin to an EE, PE, SE, etc., pl.
30. A dielectric material 32. Chemical symbol for Teflon
33. Minutes of Use 34. Logic family, abbr. 35. Observed
rule 38. Chemical symbol for polonium 40. Nobel laureate
Enrico _____ 43. Total Access Communication System 44.
An exploding star, and a nasty old Chevy 46. Transformer,
abbr. 47. Chemical symbol for europium 48. Amateur Radio
Emergency Service 49. Morse Code for "from" 50. The portion
of an insulator's energy converted to heat - a capacitor parameter
53. 1/000 of an amp 54. "Calling any amateur radio station" |
DOWN 1. Imaging device, abbr. 2. Logic
gate 3. Cell phone manufacturer 4. The largest asteroid
5. Mate to an Rx 6. Crystal filter type, abbr. 7. Name
given to the most frequently occurring number in a series of
numbers 8. Section of a circle 10. Charged particle
11. Opposite of a power in mathematics 12. Set to specifications
14. Conductor used to bleed charge from a high voltage supply
bank, pl. 17. Low Noise Amplifier 18. Time Division Duplex
21. Smaller moon of Mars 23. An angle having more than 180
degrees but less than 360 25. Decimeter, abbr. 26. Specialty
connector manufacturer 28. Reliability measure, abbr.
29. Chemical symbol for selenium 31. Chemical symbol for
gold 32. Chemical symbol for platinum 36. 10-Gb Attachment
Units Interface 37. Integrated Circuit 38. Terminology
for an RF connection point 39. Radio term for indicating
the end of a transmission segment 41. Part of this website's
title 42. Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service
44. Forerunner to NASA 45. Application Specific Integrated
Circuit 51. Electromagnetic 52. "Calling any amateur radio
station" |
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