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11/17/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

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RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Current-voltage phase mnemonic
4. Inadvertent impression of a signal onto an adjacent conductor, 2 wds.
13. Test document for verifying proper function, abbr.
16. RF component supplier (now L3-COM)
17. Short Message Service
18. Charged particle
19. Proportion of two numbers
20. CDMA Development Group, abbr.
21. Last stage in a transmitter, abbr.
22. _____-wise linear
25. Chemical symbol for silicon
26. Organization for former military members
27. Opposite of O.D.
28. 1e-6 mA
29. Prefix used on many MIL-SPEC components
30. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band
32. Logarithmic ratio
34. Chemical symbol for iron
35. Type of data conversion device, abbr., pl.
37. Carrier-to-noise ratio
39. BlackBerry or Jordana for example, abbr., pl.
41. Electromagnetic compatibility, abbr.
43. Innovative Power Products, Holbrook, NY, abbr.
45. PCB interconnect
47. Instruments for Industry, Ronkonkoma, NY, abbr.
48. Intermodulation distortion, abbr.
50. Logical negation operator
51. End of soldering iron
52. Software function selection mechanisms
53. Silicon transistor type
54. Greek letter
55. Move in a raster pattern
58. Online service
60. Miniature threaded RF connectors
62. A common battery cell size
64. Army-Navy spec
65. Precision landing system, abbr.
67. Powers pneumatic devices
69. Chemical symbol for europium
70. Ratio of circumference to diameter
71. Be behind in phase
73. Chemical symbol for cesium
74. Trans European Trunked RAdio
76. PC follower
77. Software drafting tool, abbr.
78. A complete set of data bits in a stream
79. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
81. Radio Direction Finding
84. Symbol of the U.S.A.
85. ELI the ICE ___
86. The "S" in CMOS
87. Automatic Send-Receive
1. Unintentional frequency modulation on an AM signal, 2 wds.
2. Computer Assisted Design and Development
3. Unit of energy
4. Abilities to store a charges
5. Unix, Linux or Windows
6. Surface mount, abbr.
7. Solid state PA
8. Exponent that returns the original number
9. Chart types
10. Local Oscillator
11. One port of an amplifier
12. Test equipment that causes a meter decrease (dip) when near resonant circuits, 3 wds.
13. Amateur Television
14. Image file format name extension
15. Signal splitter providing an impedance-controlled single input port and multiple output ports, 2 wds.
23. Grow in amplitude
24. Round
28. Chemical symbol for neodymium
29. Type of flip flop
31. 1/000 of an amp
33. Stock symbol for Boeing
35. Advanced Communication Technologies and Services
36. Quantum electron property
38. 10^-9 numerical prefix
39. Circuits for firing magnetrons
40. Halves of DIP's
42. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
44. Min-to-max voltage of a waveform
45. Chemical symbol for thulium
46. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
47. Internet protocol, abbr.
49. 1E6 nanoseconds
56. Chemical symbol for calcium
57. Chemical symbol for bismuth
59. Chemical symbol for bromine
61. Chemical symbol for gold
63. RF passive device manufacturer in Bay Shore, NY
66. Type of high frequency circuit substrate, abbr.
68. International Amateur Radio Union
70. Programmable logic device, abbr., pl.
72. Gallium nitride chemical symbol
75. Add solder to tip of iron
77. Column Grid Array, abbr.
79. Home state of Los Alamos lab
80. Semiconductor and calculator company, abbr.
82. Type of current
83. Foot, abbr.

See solution below

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers
Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers

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