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11/9/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

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RF Cafe: Engineering & science crossword puzzle

1. Solder paste vendor in Lincoln, RI
4. ECM response
8. Substrate for mounting component, abbr., pl.
12. Words Per Minute
15. Official engineering change document, abbr., pl.
16. Have a positive phase wrt a reference
17. Move from cell to cell
18. Advanced Research Projects Agency , abbr.
20. Divide into chunks
21. International Telecommunications Union
22. Rádio Nacional de Angola, abbr.
23. Query an input for changes
24. Sample group
26. World's only remaining superpower, abbr.
28. Decibels above or below a dipole antenna, abbr.
30. Degree of IC sophistication
31. Signal amplitude degradation due to inefficiency, pl.
33. Met all test requirements
36. Station using an existing call sign and illegally operating on the air
39. Intermodulation distortion, abbr.
41. Aircraft tracking systems
44. Threaded tuning rod in a coil
45. Like a crystal
49. Fail-____ switch
50. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
51. Network configuration
53. Upward force generated by an airfoil
56. Network department, abbr.
57. Describes an "thick" field
60. Adjusts the design to accommodate tolerances
63. A processed or unprocessed semiconductor substrate
64. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic
65. Surface mount, abbr.
66. Electronic assembly transport containers
67. What kind of a triangle has all three sides unequal in length
70. Basic storage unit of a database, pl.
73. Chemical symbol for antimony
75. Type of antenna
77. Forerunner to NASA
78. Unit of time
80. Ends of soldering irons
83. Put into motion
86. Filter manufacturer in San Juan Capistrano, CA
88. Referring to atoms
91. Colorado Springs military school, abbr.
92. Alloy of copper and tin
94. Software language by Borland
97. Flip-flop control input, pl.
100. Current-voltage phase mnemonic
103. Online service
104. Unit of current
105. Common gateway interface
107. The "C" in CDMA
109. 1/000 of an inch
110. Software drafting tool, abbr.
112. Move in a raster pattern
113. One bit of a real number
114. Boolean expression, pl.
116. An ellipse has two of them
117. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust
118. Semiconductor lamp
119. Transportation accident investigation agency, abbr.
120. Release control over
121. Stock symbol for Harris Communications
1. A reflected radar pulse
2. 12 inches
3. Digital Signal Processor
4. Voltage-current phase mnemonic
5. Constellation : The whale
6. Precipitate
7. Chemical symbol for mendelevium
8. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
9. Common Object Request Broker Service
10. VHF, UHF, ISM, for example
11. Miniature threaded RF connector
12. Wireless application protocol
13. Type of data storage IC, abbr.
14. Multiprotocol Label Switching
15. The obscuring of one celestial body by another
19. Under samples
25. End Of Transmission
27. Application Specific Integrated Circuit, abbr.
28. Switch configuration, abbr.
29. Government program to bring electricity to farms, abbr.
31. Be behind in phase
32. Chemical symbol for selenium
34. Chemical symbol for strontium
35. Direct Digital Synthesis
37. Precision landing system, abbr.
38. Chemical symbol for ruthenium
40. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
42. A common battery cell size
43. Radio Frequency Interference, abbr.
45. Cooling device
46. The "As" in GaAs
47. Helium, iron, silicon, or uranium, for example
48. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss
51. A type of capacitance or inductance
52. Test equipment, abbr.
54. Foot, abbr.
55. Trans European Trunked RAdio
57. Bands between RF and baseband
58. Japanese semiconductor & equipment manufacturer
59. Using the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce, abbr.
60. Bluetooth modules & ICs vendor in Richardson, TX
61. Archaic unit of length
62. Official Space Shuttle designation, abbr.
68. Chemical symbol for lanthanum
69. Enhanced Graphics Adapter
71. Software engineering tool, abbr.
72. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region
73. Akin to dynamics, with no movement
74. A "1" or a "0"
76. Maximum Usable Frequency
78. Non-return to zero
79. Term for creating an asymmetry in a statistical distribution
81. Chemical symbol for polonium
82. Surface Mount Device, abbr.
84. Loose end of a cable
85. RF passive device manufacturer in Bay Shore, NY
86. Line of Sight; Linux Operating System
87. Army-Navy spec
89. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
90. Chemical symbol for chlorine
92. Chemical symbol for beryllium
93. Stock symbol for Raytheon
95. Display a radar target
96. Maintians a voltage for sampling
98. Electrical enclosure company in Rochester, MN
99. Satellite millieu
101. Inductor
102. Quickly changing portion of waveform
105. Co-channel rejection ratio
106. High frequency semiconductor, abbr.
108. Last statement in a BASIC program
109. ELI the ICE ___
111. Singulated piece of IC wafer
112. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
115. Chemical symbol for antimony
116. Femtofarad, abbr.

See solution below

RF Cafe: Engineering & science crossword puzzle solution
LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

Temwell Filters

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers