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December 1, 2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

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RF Cafe - Science & Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

2. Connector strain reliefs
9. Workplace safety group, abbr.
12. Chemical symbol for argon
13. Logic gates
14. Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
16. Precision landing system, abbr.
17. Stock symbol for Boeing
18. Type of current
20. Chemical symbol for selenium
21. Government program to bring electricity to farms, abbr.
22. Manufacturer of project boxes
23. Enhanced Graphics Adapter
25. Archaic reference to the air and void of space
28. Rechargeable battery type, abbr.
30. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide
32. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
33. Power supply vendor in Mansfield, MA
36. Chemical symbol for manganese
37. Chemical symbol for erbium
39. Coder/decoder
40. Minutes of Use
42. Rádio Nacional de Angola, abbr.
44. The "E" in EHF
46. Its chemical symbol is W
50. Type of distribution, squared
51. Communication between stations by reflecting the radio waves off of the ionosphere
52. Automated Test Equipment
53. Chemical symbol for tantalum
55. Switch position
56. Modulation type, abbr.
57. Resistor vendor in Berne, IN
58. Class of spread spectrum, abbr.
60. The design component of total product cost, abbr.
61. Semiconductor and calculator company, abbr.
62. Co-channel rejection ratio
63. A bridge circuit used for accurate electrical measurements, named after its inventor
1. Charge storage devices, English style
3. A common battery cell size
4. Chemical symbol for chromium
5. Pertaining to the sun
6. Stock symbol for Harris Communications
7. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
8. Termination
10. Chemical symbol for helium
11. Agilent's EE design software
15. Parabolic antenna-to-waveguide interface component
16. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
17. Illumination device
19. Common gateway interface
21. _____&Schwarz
22. Stock symbol for Boeing
24. Applied Computational Sciences, abbr.
26. Helium, iron, silicon, and uranium, for example
27. A class in Object Oriented Programming that is capable of storing other objects
29. Type of data conversion device, abbr.
31. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic
34. In geometry, what kind of an angle has less than 90 degrees
35. Shorthand for liquid oxygen
38. Chemical symbol for radon
41. Coordinated Universal Time, abbr.
43. Basic element
45. Greek letter
47. One type of electron spin
48. One port on a FET, pl.
49. Official Space Shuttle designation, abbr.
51. Type of cryptographic algorithm that takes a string and converts it to a numeric code.
54. Amplifier Solutions Corporation, abbr.
57. Cathode Ray Tube
58. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss
59. Chemical symbol for scandium
60. 1e-6 mA
61. Part of a FOR loop

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