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December 16, 2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Metric system, abbr.
4. Small DIP package, abbr., pl.
9. 2 x SSB
12. Specialty connector manufacturer
13. Scheduling graph types
14. A disk operation
16. RF coupler vendor in Bay Shore, NY
17. Surface mount, abbr.
18. Internet protocol, abbr.
19. RF passive device manufacturer in Bay Shore, NY
20. A flip-flop input
23. They have units of degrees or radians
25. Add two or more inputs
27. ESD protective apparel
28. Error checking scheme, abbr.
29. Electronic Numerical Integrater and Computer
31. It's the 'EM' in EMC
32. Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment
34. Amateur Television
36. The "G" in AWG
37. Government program to bring electricity to farms, abbr.
38. Quality of a number that determines whether it is positive or negative
43. Solid figure that has every point on its surface equidistant from its center
48. Microwave products supplier in San Jose, CA
49. Chemical symbol for thallium
51. Chemical symbol for silicon
52. Official engineering change document, abbr., pl.
53. One factor of a polynomial
54. The LM741 was the first
56. Termination
57. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
58. Parameter that is a figure of merit for receiver performance in presence of multiple signals, abbr., pl.
59. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band
1. Co-channel rejection ratio, abbr.
2. Manufacturer of microwave substrate material
3. Miniature threaded RF connector, pl.
4. Switch configuration, abbr.
5. Original Equipment Manufacturer
6. Infrared, abbr.
7. Oscillator manufacturer in Whippany, NJ (abbr.)
8. Solid state PA
9. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust
10. Physical barrier
11. No insulation
12. Once around a circuit
15. 10^1 numerical prefix, pl.
21. Electromagnetic Pulse
22. Instrument for measuring hardness
24. The design component of total product cost, abbr.
25. Chemical symbol for scandium
26. Megacycles, abbr.
27. Term for asymmetry of a statistical distribution, pl.
30. 360 degrees of phase rotation
33. Transmit Incremental Tuning, abbr.
34. Chemical symbol for argon
35. Unit of apparent power, abbr.
36. Key feature in a high level overvoltage protection device
38. Precision approach radar, abbr.
39. Microwave products supplier in San Jose, CA
40. One factor of a polynomial
41. Stock symbol for Intel
42. Elemental compound used for microwave frequency reference oscillators, abbr., pl.
43. Halves of DIP's
44. Slang for helicopter
45. Official engineering change document, abbr., pl.
46. Move from cell to cell
47. IC killer
50. Filter type
51. Specialized mobile radio
55. Analog-to-Digital

See solution below

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe
Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe