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5/1/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & science crossword puzzle

1. A switch position
5. The "G" part of WG
10. Fast-Scan TV
12. Amateur Radio Association
13. High-speed logic family
15. Unit of inductance, abbr.
17. Digital Storage Oscilloscope
18. Aircraft navigation system, abbr.
19. Alternately sample and display o-scope channels
21. Automated Test Equipment
23. Chemical symbol for chlorine
24. Nordic Mobile Telephone
25. Greek letter
26. Organization that represents the wireless industry, abbr.
28. Electromagnetic, abbr.
29. Component operational specification
31. Airfoil shapers
34. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting technology
36. Increment
40. Heavenly body having a tail
41. Region between semiconductor doping potentials
43. Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line
44. The dit-dah-dit sent at the end of a transmission (2 wds.)
49. Chemical symbol for tantalum
50. When a synchronous motor looses synch
52. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
56. Computer communication scheme, abbr.
57. Infrared, abbr.
59. Finite Element Analysis
60. Stock symbol for Conexant
61. Defense contractor in Ft. Wayne, IN
62. Negation prefix
64. Chemical symbol for silicon
65. 10^1 numerical prefix, pl.
66. Type of semiconductor component, abbr.
67. Stock symbol for Google
69. Type of coaxial cable
70. Isolator, oscillator vendor in Tampa, FL
2. Unit of capacitance, abbr.
3. IC killer
4. National Television System Committee
5. This component protects cables passing through a chassis opening
6. Universal Asynchronous Transmit/Receive
7. 10^-1 numerical prefix
8. A reflected radar ping
9. Million Multiply Accumulate Operations
11. Instrument used for measuring potential difference
12. Worldwide RF component distributor
14. Sample group
16. Web page language, abbr.
20. Fan vendor in Farmington, CT
22. Electronics Industry Association
27. Chemical symbol for argon
30. What you might get when calling a tech support line
31. Angular speed unit, abbr.
32. Institute of Electrical Engineers (U.K)
33. Base Station Transceivers
35. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
36. Software drafting tool
37. Logic gates
38. Internet address, abbr.
39. Chemical symbol for nickel
41. Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
42. Had an ω <> 0
45. Type of project planning chart
46. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
47. 30 Hz to 300 Hz
48. Chart types
51. Set of poles
53. Last statement in a program
54. Fremont, CA based company that designs, develops and markets high-performance, analog and mixed-signal silicon solutions for the worldwide communications infrastructure.
55. European spectrum allocation agency, abbr.
56. Refers to the IEEE802.11 networks, abbr.
58. A component of a polynomial
63. Type of logic gate
68. Chemical symbol for gallium

See solution below


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