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5/30/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & science crossword puzzle

1. The first "S" in SSI IC nomenclature
6. Consequence of under sampling
11. Aircraft navigation system, abbr.
12. Communication between stations by reflecting the radio waves off of the ionosphere
13. Intermodulation distortion, abbr.
15. Chemical symbol for radon
19. 1e-6 mA
20. Logs onto a hard drive
22. Graphs
24. Switch position
25. Electrical overstress, abbr.
26. One port of an amplifier
27. European equivalent to the U.L.
28. Sends a file over a network, abbr.
29. Adjusts a pot
31. It can follow an MS
34. Method of mathematically evaluating circuits
35. Logic gates
37. Application Specific Integrated Circuit
41. Snail and E are examples of this
45. Opposite of I.D.
47. Peripheral Component Interface
48. Computer communication scheme, abbr.
49. Chemical symbol for tantalum
50. Structures of columns and rows
51. Aircraft tracking system, pl.
52. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
53. Max or min voltage of a waveform, abbr.
54. Engineering Change Notice
56. Automatic Level Control
57. Maximum Usable Frequency
59. O-scope time base action
60. International phonetic alphabet letter "R"
2. 1e3 uV
3. Online service search engine
4. Chemical symbol for lawrencium
5. Like carbon batteries
7. Chemical symbol for lithium
8. Type of diode
9. Analog-to-Digital, abbr.
10. Strong cable covering
14. Like a laser, but at lower frequencies
16. Negation prefix
17. Class of spread spectrum, abbr.
18. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator, pl.
19. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
21. Transmit Optical Power
23. Color quality
30. Half of a DIP
31. Permeability-Tuned Oscillator
32. The system than converts common website names to IP addresses, abbr.
33. Powers pneumatic devices
36. Electronic assembly transport containers
38. Join two ends of a conductor
39. Current-voltage phase mnemonic
40. Complex Instruction Set Computer
41. Microwaves & RF magazine, abbr.
42. A common battery cell size
43. Element #49
44. Part of a PCB or IC fabrication process, pl.
46. 10^1 numerical prefix, pl.
49. Total Radiated Power
54. Modern battlefield technique, abbr.
55. Chemical symbol for neon
57. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
58. Chemical symbol for iron

See solution below

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