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7/11/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. The "F" in EMF
6. Parts per million, abbr.
9. Constellation : The water snake
14. Logic family
15. Set of poles
17. Bilateral trigger diode
18. RF/microwave software vendor (bought by Agilent)
20. Network configuration
22. Electromagnetic compatibility, abbr.
24. Like a crystal
27. Chemical symbol for selenium
28. The 741 was the first of this type IC
33. Responses to original posting on a forum
35. Circular mounting hardware
37. Chemical symbol for einsteinium
38. Wireline(tm) maker in Hollis, NH
40. Effective Radiated Power
41. RF Local Area Network
43. Bandwidth, abbr.
45. BER. 8 bits at a time
46. Type of flip-flop
47. Network configuration
48. A form of energy arises from the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules
49. 1/000 of an amp
50. Keyboard key
52. Chemical symbol for tin
53. Mr. Blattenberger of RF Cafe
54. Transmit Incremental Tuning, abbr.
55. Small representative graphic
57. Chemical symbol for xenon
58. Constellation : The twins
60. Under tension, pl.
64. Proportion of two numbers
65. One port of an amplifier
67. _______-A-Chip adapters, by Aries Electronics
69. U.S. military organization, abbr.
71. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone
72. Maximum voltage in a waveform, pl.
77. Electronic Variable Optical Attenuator
79. Small DIP package
81. Stack command
82. Aircraft tracking system
83. Wire diameter unit, abbr.
84. Area on a shaft for accommodating a setscrew, pl.
2. Current-voltage phase mnemonic
3. Using the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce, abbr.
4. Line of Sight
5. Digital Storage Oscilloscope
6. Min-to-max voltage of a waveform, abbr.
7. Name of the third series in the spectrum of hydrogen
8. An efficient microstrip corner shape, pl.
10. Unit of length, abbr.
11. Singulated piece of IC wafer
12. Type of data storage IC, pl.
13. Change of velocity per unit of time
16. The "R" in BER
19. Unit of capacitance, abbr.
21. Government program to bring electricity to farms, abbr.
23. Passive device for splitting signals to separate paths
25. PC follower
26. Direct Digital Synthesis
29. Astronomical distance of 3.26 light years
30. Application Service Provider, abbr.
31. Millihenry, abbr.
32. Scheduling graph type, pl.
34. Crystal filter type
36. RF computer network, abbr.
39. U.S. manned space program rocket series of the 1960s
42. Chemical symbol for argon
43. Connector vendor in St. Louis, MO
44. H2O
48. Opposite of a LO
51. Line of Sight
53. Energy in motion
54. Transmit Incremental Tuning, abbr.
56. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
57. Wireless modem manufacturer, now owned by Intel
59. 1/000 of an amp
61. Archaic unit of length
62. Amateur Radio Emergency Service
63. Chemical symbol for scandium
66. A star that suddenly becomes much brighter and then gradually returns to its original brightness over a period of weeks to years
68. Test Point
70. U.S. military organization, abbr.
73. Electromotive Force
74. Online service
75. Large unit of apparent power, abbr.
76. Adjust a pot
78. A common battery cell size
80. Unit of length, abbr.

See solution below

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