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7/29/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Chemically react to harden
4. Unit of capacitance
9. Integrated Services Digital Network
13. A compiler directive
14. 1/60 of a minute of angular measurement, pl.
15. Low Noise Amplifier
16. Light ray
17. Attenuator topology, pl.
18. Move from cell to cell
20. Common average used for sinewaves, abbr.
22. Solid state relay vendor located in San Diego, CA
25. Summers
27. Voltage-current phase mnemonic
28. The design component of total product cost, abbr.
29. Common mode ripple rejection, abbr.
32. Electromagnetic radiation in the visible band
35. Substrate for mounting component, abbr., pl.
39. Multivibrator type
40. Number or digital inputs that an output can drive, pl.
41. Unit of volume
42. Metric length unit
44. A length of transmission line that is open or shorted at one end
45. Electronics Industry Association
47. Electromagnetic interference, abbr.
49. A listing of the conditions of the Earth’s magnetic field as measured at Boulder, CO
51. The ringed planet
54. Modem encoding method
56. Same as 9 Across
58. Type of high-tech data gathering system, abbr.
60. Thin layer of material deposited a surface
62. Using the moon as a passive reflector to establish a signal path; moonbounce, abbr.
63. Digital algebra
64. Test Operating Procedure, abbr.
65. Society of Civil and Structural Engineers
66. O-scope time base action
67. Class of spread spectrum, abbr.
1. A 3rd-order polynomial
2. A compiler directive
3. Polling line state
4. Field Effect Transistor
5. Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
6. Moving from cell to cell
7. Boolean expression, pl.
8. Direct Digital Synthesis
10. Rise over run, 1st derivative
11. Motorola's "Digital ___"
12. Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System
19. Online service
21. High Data Rate
23. Adjusted the specification for temperature
24. Connector supplier in Oyster Bay, NY
25. Alternative name for Alpha Scorpii
26. Leave a film on a surface
29. Abbreviation for capacitor
30. Degree of IC sophistication
31. Stock symbol for Raytheon
33. Institute of Electrical Engineers (U.K)
34. Gary Breed's fine magazine on RF & microwaves topics, abbr.
36. Describes the action of cleaving a crystal plane
37. Unit of heat
38. Half of DSB
43. _______ strength - measure of resistance from breaking
46. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
48. ELI the ICE ___
49. Connector vendor headquartered in Bristol, PA
50. Current summing point, pl.
52. Volts, meters, pints, pounds, eg.
53. Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System
54. What current is said to do
55. Sharp bend in I-V curve
57. Miniature RF connector
58. Electrical overstress, abbr.
59. Transformer interwinding connection
61. Line of Sight; Linux Operating System

See solution below

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe
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