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7/3/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

1. Started as HPIB
5. Elementary particles
10. What current is said to do
12. Image file format name extension
13. Powers pneumatic devices
15. Integrated circuit, abbr.
17. Semiconductor On Insulator, abbr.
18. Directions for verifying proper function, abbr.
19. Junk e-mail
21. Spurious RF products created by metal joints, abbr.
23. Chemical symbol for thallium
24. Adjust a pot
25. Mechanical engineering group, abbr.
26. Workplace safety group, abbr.
28. Chemical symbol for erbium
29. Dropped below the dew point
31. Switch configuration, abbr.
34. Factors of ten
36. Mates to plugs
40. On a waveform, a _____ min or max
41. Plane geometric figure having eight straight sides
43. Increase voltage linearly
44. Its chemical symbol is Nd
49. Unit of time, abbr.
50. Type of data storage IC, abbr.
52. Transportation accident investigation agency, abbr.
56. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
57. Network department, abbr.
59. Line of Sight
60. BASIC program command
61. Amateur Radio Association
62. Nordic Mobile Telephone
64. Chemical symbol for neon
65. Attenuator
66. Telex-Over-Radio
67. Online auction site
69. The stuff in the solder core
70. Switch configuration, abbr.
2. Unit of capacitance, abbr.
3. Precision landing system, abbr.
4. Turn on the computer
5. Created an efficient microstrip corner shape
6. Ultra Fine Pitch Technology, abbr.
7. American space agency, abbr.
8. Halves of DIP's
9. High power density battery chemistry, abbr.
11. Type of microstrip power divider
12. State of matter, pl.
14. Type of memory
16. Complex Instruction Set Computer
20. Transitions from solid to liquid phase
22. Unit of admittance
27. Army-Navy spec
30. Device for slowing down signals
31. Type of data conversion device, abbr.
32. BlackBerry or Jordana for example, abbr.
33. Keyboard key
35. Chemical symbol for cobalt
36. Amplifier company now owned by Endwave
37. Atmosphere, abbr.
38. Civil Air Patrol
39. Mass unit, abbr.
41. Using a logical connection scheme for redundant power supplies
42. Uncharged atomic particle
45. International phonetic alphabet letter "O"
46. Internet protocol, abbr.
47. Internet address, abbr.
48. Earth's natural satellite
51. BSEE + 2 years
53. Test Operating Procedure, abbr.
54. Network configuration
55. Frequency vs. amplitude plot
56. Stock symbol for National Instruments
58. Miniature RF connector
63. Transformer interwinding connection
68. Yard, abbr.

See solution below

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe
withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

Copper Mountain Technologies (VNA) - RF Cafe

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe