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LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

8/26/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering-themed crossword puzzle

1. Multiprotocol Label Switching
5. VHF, UHF, ISM, for example
10. More than one FET
12. Powers pneumatic devices
13. Electronic warfare defense, abbr.
15. Analog-to-Digital
17. 24 hours
18. Digital Signal Processor
19. Computer Assisted Design and Development
21. Total Radiated Power
23. Chemical symbol for radon
24. Direct Memory Access
25. American National Standards Institute
26. Type of cryptographic algorithm that takes a string and converts it to a numeric code.
28. Chemical symbol for europium
29. Gigacycles
31. Cellular Digital Packet Data
34. Mixer manufacturer in Woburn, MA
36. Crystal face
40. Flip-flop control input
41. Capacitor type
43. Cable bundling cord
44. An ion or salt of carbonic acid, containing carbon and oxygen such as calcium carbonate
49. Stock symbol for Boeing
50. The "R" in BER
52. Amount of matter that a body contains
56. Spurious RF products created by metal joints, abbr.
57. Galilean moon
59. Greek letter
60. Type of frequency reference, abbr., pl.
61. Indium phosphide chemical abbreviation
62. Internet address, abbr.
64. Infrared, abbr.
65. End of soldering iron
66. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc.
67. Name is given to the quotient of the sum of several quantities and their number
69. Fan vendor in Farmington, CT
70. Switch configuration, abbr.
2. Unit of capacitance, abbr.
3. Semiconductor lamp
4. Network configuration
5. Its chemical symbol is Bi
6. Advanced Research Projects Agency , abbr.
7. 10^1 numerical prefix
8. Move in a raster pattern
9. Radio signal route
11. Man-made material
12. Summer
14. RF systems company in Rochester, NY, abbr.
16. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust
20. Basic PN junction component
22. Greek letter
27. Chemical symbol for mercury
30. Its chemical symbol is Zr
31. Resistor vendor in Berne, IN
32. Singulated piece of IC wafer
33. Push To Talk
35. Test equipment, abbr.
36. Finite Element Analysis, abbr.
37. Portion of a circle
38. Software engineering tool, abbr.
39. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic
41. Voltage limiter
42. Electronic enclosure
45. Increases voltage linearly
46. Chemical symbol for argon
47. Transformer interwinding connection
48. European spectrum allocation agency, abbr.
51. Antenna radiated power measurement, abbr.
53. ___-AZIMUTH telescope mount
54. ___ rings, used on AC motor armatures
55. Solid State PA
56. Plural of 56 down
58. Used logic gates
63. Once around a closed circuit
68. Chemical symbol for neodymium

See solution below

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe
Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products (IPP) RF Combiners / Dividers

Cafe Press