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9/18/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

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RF Cafe: Engineering-themed crossword puzzle

2. 1.602E-19 Joules
4. Chemical symbol for calcium
7. Forerunner to NASA
11. One component of a complex number, abbr.
12. Electrical safety organization, abbr.
13. Attenuator topology
16. Things in a bill of material
18. Length times width, pl.
19. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting technology
21. Regarding light transmission
23. Chemical symbol for iron
24. Chemical symbol for copper
25. Type of modulation, abbr.
26. Chemical symbol for aluminum
27. Chemical symbol for thallium
29. Chemical symbol for rubidium
31. Radio Direction Finding
32. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region
33. Last stage in a transmitter, abbr.
35. Form of digital encoding
37. Thermocouples, photodetectors, limit switches, etc.
39. Lowest value in a list
44. Unit of conductance, pl.
49. Abbreviation for peak voltage
50. Nanohenry, abbr.
51. Optical Cross Connect
52. Chemical symbol for molybdenum
53. Chemical symbol for bismuth
54. Chemical symbol for silver
55. Chemical symbol for palladium
56. Part of this website's title
58. 30 kHz to 300 kHz
60. Capacitor vendor
63. A famous LEO satellite constellation (originally to be 77 satellites)
67. Attenuator configuration
68. International phonetic alphabet letter "D"
69. Miniature threaded RF connectors
70. Chemical symbol for neon
71. Semiconductor and calculator company, abbr.
73. 10^-1 numerical prefix
74. Infrared, abbr.
75. Chemical symbol for tin
1. Volt, meter, pint, pound, eg.
2. Chemical symbol for erbium
3. A tube containing a constriction used to measure the rate of flow of a fluid
4. Lowest operational frequency of a waveguide, pl.
5. Chemical symbol for aluminum
6. ISDN BRI channel
8. Automated Test Equipment
9. Counter ElectroMotive Force
10. Unit of current
13. Diac that can be turned back on, pl.
14. Positive emitter-coupled logic, abbr.
15. A common battery cell size
17. Chemical symbol for selenium
18. PC follower
20. Chemical symbol for scandium
22. Related to FM by a differential
27. Boob tube
28. Chemical symbol for lithium
30. Chemical symbol for bromine
32. Switch position
33. Chemical symbol for praseodymium
34. Chemical symbol for arsenic
36. Unit of heat
38. Voltage-current phase mnemonic
39. 1e3 uV
40. Internet protocol, abbr.
41. Indium Gallium Arsenide semiconductor
42. Millihenry, abbr.
43. One who creates a code version of a semiconductor device
44. Code used for automating software tasks
45. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic
46. Formed into a specific shape
47. Chemical symbol for niobium
48. Chemical symbol for silicon
54. Advanced Research Projects Agency , abbr.
55. Chemical symbol for plutonium
57. Chemical symbol for francium
59. Software storage unit
60. Switch configuration, abbr.
61. Spurious RF products created by metal joints, abbr.
62. Chemical symbol for gadolinium
64. Opposite of O.D.
65. Coordinated Universal Time, abbr.
66. Snail and E are examples of this
70. Chemical symbol for nickel
72. One port of an amplifier

See solution below

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