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9/3/2008 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

RF Cafe: Engineering themed crossword puzzle

1. Unit of magnetic flux
6. Attenuator
9. Metal or plastic rod that connects a potentiometer wiper to a knob
14. Transition from solid to liquid phase
15. Used logic gates
17. Set of poles
18. The tip of a PCB probe
20. Complex Instruction Set Computer
22. Automatic network analyzer, abbr.
24. Its chemical symbol is Bi
27. Chemical symbol for tin
28. Circuit path with very low or 0 impedance
33. Its chemical symbol is Nb
35. Thin-film hybrid and discrete microwave and millimeter-wave components vendor in Sunnyvale, CA
37. Unit of time
38. Antenna radiated power measurement, abbr.
40. Precision landing system, abbr.
41. Fail-____ switch
43. 300 kHz to 3 MHz
45. Constellation : The lion
46. Chemical symbol for lithium
47. Units of heat
48. Set of poles
49. Chemical symbol for manganese
50. Cable termination type
52. Chemical symbol for silicon
53. Common solder composition (pre-lead-free)
54. U.S. military organization, abbr.
55. Volts divided by resistance
57. Akin to an EE, CE, AE, etc.
58. A martial art (not sure why this is in here)
60. Unit of conductance
64. One tier of a PCB
65. Network department, abbr.
67. Phase of matter between liquid and solid
69. Original Equipment Manufacturer
71. First-in, first-out, abbr.
72. Just entering the nonlinear region
77. American space agency, abbr.
79. Semiconductor lamps
81. Time Division Multiple Access
82. _____ rule
83. Test Equipment Connection, in Lake Mary, FL
84. IC's
2. Electromagnetic Pulse
3. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide
4. Voltage-current phase mnemonic
5. Stock symbol for Raytheon
6. Chemical symbol for polonium
7. Angle described by hyp/opp
8. Smaller moon of Mars
10. Test equipment manufacturer
11. A common battery cell size
12. Heatsink feature, pl.
13. Aircraft identification instrument for secondary radar, pl.
16. Connector type
19. Chemical symbol for terbium
21. Oscillator manufacturer in Whippany, NJ (abbr.)
23. The process by which a body moves back and forth through a central neutral position, pl.
25. One port of an amplifier
26. Color quality
29. Its chemical symbol is He
30. Logic gates
31. Chemical symbol for radon
32. Determines proper functionality
34. 1/000 of an inch
36. 10-Gb Attachment Units Interface
39. Opposite of local
42. Start frequency, abbr.
43. Waveform limit definition
44. The last transmission by a station during a contact
48. Chemical symbol for lead
51. World's first satellite navigation system, abbr.
53. Vacuum tube with five elements (not including the heater)
54. 24 hours
56. Half of a DIP
57. Type of transistor, abbr.
59. Chemical symbol for radium
61. 30 Hz to 300 Hz
62. Snail and E are examples of this
63. Chemical symbol for silicon
66. Physical barrier
68. Chemical symbol for cobalt
70. Degree of IC sophistication
73. Negative temperature coefficient, abbr.
74. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
75. Electromagnetic interference, abbr.
76. Transformer interwinding connection
78. Analog-to-Digital
80. Chemical symbol for scandium

See solution below

Crane Aerospace Electronics Microwave Solutions: Space Qualified Passive Products
Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

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