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December 20, 2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
Letters go in light blue and
light green square.
1. Chemical symbol for aluminum 3. Merry _________ (English) 9. Chemical symbol for zinc 11.
Manufacturer 12. Relating to any picture or visual information, from the Latin word meaning "I see" 13.
Stock symbol for National Semiconductor 16. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.) 17. 1E6 bits per second
18. Chart types 20. Opposite of O.D. 21. Type of flip-flop 23. Ham's code for "Are your receiving me
badly?" 25. Electrical safety organization (abbr.) 26. Chemical symbol for rhodium 27. Software object
reference name 29. One of four lines used in ferrite core memories 31. Trigger diode that conducts
current only after its breakdown voltage has been exceeded momentarily
34. Microprocessor vendor 36. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust 38. Electromagnetic interference (abbr.)
39. Central Processing Unit 40. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band 41. One component of a complex
number (abbr.) 42. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
43. Chemical symbol for xenon 45. 10^1 numerical prefix 47. Chemical symbol for scandium 48.
Astronomical Unit (93E6 miles) 50. ____ Krisamas (Hindi for Merry Christmas) 52. Software device for
tracking elapsed time 54. Sung Tan ____ Ha (Korean for Merry Christmas) 56. Unix, Linux or Windows
(abbr.) 57. A common battery cell size 58. Method of connecting redundant power supplies 60. Last
stage in a transmitter (abbr.) 62. Chemical symbol for niobium 63. Unit of capacitance (abbr.)
65. Amplifier Solutions Corporation (abbr.) 67. Feliz _______ (Spanish for Merry Christmas) 70.
Peripheral Component Interface (abbr.) 72. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
73. Switch position 74. Part of a FOR loop 75. Chemical symbol for calcium 76. Collection of
electronic records (abbr.) 78. Morse Code for "from" 79. Instrument used to measure the height above a
reference point, such as ground or sea level 84. Unit of apparent power (abbr.) 85. Type of current flow
(abbr.) 86. Chemical symbol for selenium 87. Chemical symbol for cobalt 89. Chemical symbol for
chlorine 90. Chemical symbol for chromium 92. Fröchliche ___________ (German for Merry Christmas)
93. Waveform described by a Dirac delta function 97. Mixer manufacturer in Woburn, MA
101. Signal-to-noise ratio (abbr.) 102. Gun safety and education organization (abbr.)
103. Stock symbol for Boeing 104. Chemical symbol for plutonium
1. Modulation type (abbr.) 2. Greek letter used for wavelength 3. The point that is the same distance
from every point on the circumference of a circle (British spelling)
4. Stock symbol for Harris Communications 5. Internet protocol (abbr.) 6. Chemical symbol for terbium
7. A feedback scheme to level out the receiver audio volume (abbr.)
8. Basic 9. Diode type used as a voltage regulator (pl.) 10. Chemical symbol for nobelium 14.
Megacycles (abbr.) 15. Ham's code for "What is the correct time?" 16. Chemical symbol for erbium 17.
_____ Majids (Arabic Merry Christmas) 19. _____ Dàn Kuài Lè (Chinese Merry Christmas) 22. Below ELF
23. Kill the field of a superconducting magnet 24. ______ Noël (French for Merry Christmas) 25. Country
of RF Cafe's residency 28. Light ray 30. Logical gate type (pl.) 32. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE
33. Connector vendor 35. Test point (abbr.) 36. English theoretical physicist who created the delta
function now named after him 37. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices 41. Exhibiting XL = XC 42.
LCD display vendor 44. Galilean moon 46. Battery cell type; Having a pH greater than 7 47. Chemical
symbol for antimony 49. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 51. Unit of time (abbr.) 53. Chemical symbol for
manganese 55. One type of electron spin 57. Soften metal 59. RF design consultant in Rochester, NY
61. Kilocycles (abbr.) 64. Min-to-max voltage of a waveform (abbr.) 66. Nollaig _____ (Irish for Merry
Christmas) 68. Abbreviation for minimum voltage 69. Decimeter (abbr.) 71. Coder/decoder (abbr.) 75.
Wire 77. Securing device 80. Chemical symbol for tantalum 81. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.)
82. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 83. Test equipment (abbr.) 84. _______ Kerstfeest (Dutch for Merry
Christmas) 88. Shinnen _______ (Japanese for Merry Christmas) 89. Pure carrier (abbr.) 91. Chemical
symbol for radon 94. Upper Sideband (abbr.) 95. Low Noise Amplifier (abbr.) 96. Chemical symbol for
98. One port of an amplifier 99. Total radiated power (abbr.) 100. Greek letter |
See solution below