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March 1, 2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

1. Hz 3. Type of data storage IC, abbr. 7. Network department, abbr. 8. Cell phone and IC
manufacturer 10. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide 11. A BPF spec 12. Chemical symbol for lithium
14. Chemical symbol for mendelevium 15. Carrier-to-noise ratio
17. RF switch manufacturer in Ventura, CA 19. Morse Code for "from" 21. Microfarad, abbr. 22.
Chemical symbol for scandium 23. Chemical symbol for lawrencium 25. Semiconductor and calculator
company, abbr. 26. Glue together 28. 1/000 of an amp 29. Government program to bring electricity to
farms, abbr. 30. Unit of time, abbr. 31. Microwaves & RF magazine, abbr. 32. Chemical symbol
for krypton
33. 1.602E-19 Joules 35. Chemical symbol for thulium 36. Opposite of a LO 37. Surface mount, abbr.
39. Placed a blocking template over a PCB layout 40. Virtual Private Network
41. Chemical symbol for antimony 43. Chemical symbol for mercury 45. Part of this website's title 46.
Intermodulation distortion, abbr. 48. Collection of electronic records
49. Electronics manufacturer with "meatball" logo 50. Junk e-mail 51. Facsimile
1. Method of mathematically evaluating voltage and current behavior 2. Chemical
symbol for platinum 4. Chemical symbol for rubidium 5. Original Equipment Manufacturer 6. Ratio of
the maximum carrier frequency deviation to the modulating frequency at a given instant in an FM transmitter
8. Megacycles, abbr. 9. Chemical symbol for aluminum 11. Chemical symbol for francium 13. Opposite of
O.D. 16. A measure of receiver quality, abbr. 17. Type of current 18. Hamese for Young Lady 20.
The great circle equidistant from the poles 22. Chemical symbol for silicon 24. The "R" in DRC in
substrate layout 25. Vacuum tube with three control grids, pl. 26. Stock symbol for Boeing 27.
Motorola's "Digital ___" 28. Pointing device 29. Angular speed unit 30. Unit of capacitance, abbr.
32. Kilometer, abbr. 34. Abbreviation for minimum voltage 35. Time delay, abbr. 36. Test equipment
manufacturer, now Agilent
38. Millihenry, abbr. 40. 300 Hz to 3 kHz 42. Graphics file extension 44. Chemical symbol for
gadolinium 45. One component of a complex number, abbr. 47. 10^1 numerical prefix 49. Chemical symbol
for gallium |
See solution below
