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May 17, 2009 Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
ACROSS 1. BNC, SMA, N, 7/16, et al
9. Person responsible for program spending, abbr. 11. Mate to a bolt 12. 10^1 numerical prefix 13.
Foot, abbr. 14. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region 16. Chemical symbol for antimony 19.
Digital Voltmeter 21. Bipolar Junction Transistor 23. Chemical symbol for francium 25. Min-to-max
voltage of a waveform
27. 1.602E-19 Joules 29. Loose end of a cable 31. Last stage in a transmitter, abbr.
32. 1/6 inch printer's measure; Electromagnetic 33. Encased in a protective covering
35. Chemical symbol for palladium 36. Chemical symbol for thallium 37. Logic family
38. Logic gates 40. Reliability measure 42. Computer Assisted Design and Development
44. Frequency Division Duplex 45. Greek letter 46. Local Oscillator 47. Unit of time 48. First-in,
first-out, abbr. 50. Upper frequency, abbr. 51. Chemical symbol for aluminum 52. BASIC program command
54. Chemical symbol for nickel 55. Test equipment manufacturer, now Agilent 56. Chemical symbol for
bismuth 57. 30 MHz to 300 MHz 59. Resistor vendor in Berne, IN 62. Greek letter (micro) 63.
Chemical symbol for neon 64. Chemical symbol for gallium 66. Hamese for Young Lady 68. Half of a DIP
71. Facsimile 72. Fuel-air mixing device
2. Switch position 3. Greek letter used for frequency 4. Transportation accident investigation agency,
abbr. 5. Chemical symbol for cadmium 6. Chemical symbol for tantalum 7. Part of this website's title
8. Official Space Shuttle designation, abbr.
9. Describes a PCB metallization 10. Type of current flow 15. Kilovolts 17. Bipolar Junction
Transistor 18. Compact Fluorescent Light 20. Transition from solid to liquid phase 22. Transformer
interwinding connections 24. A communications mode in which a radio transmits and receives on two different
frequencies but performs only one of these operations at any given time 26. Related to FM by a differential
28. Unit of apparent power, abbr. 30. Opposite of O.D. 31. Push To Talk 33. Imaging device, abbr.
34. U.S. military organization, abbr. 37. Analog-to-Digital 39. Radio Direction Finding 40. Unit of
admittance 41. Part of a FOR loop 43. Online service
44. Fast-Scan TV 45. RF integrated circuit 47. Chemical symbol for nobelium 49. One port of an
amplifier 50. Femtohenry, abbr. 52. Image file format name extension
53. Unit of resistance 58. An overcurrent protection device 60. Chemical symbol for thulium 61.
Automatic Gain Control 63. 1e-6 mA 65. A common battery cell size
66. Chemical symbol for ytterbium 67. Chemical symbol for lutetium 69. Network department, abbr. 70.
Chemical symbol for polonium |
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