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Lobster Compasses

You've heard of homing pigeons, but how about homing lobsters? Researchers have recently discovered that the Caribbean spiny lobster has an uncanny homing ability. There is an apparent sensing of the earth's magnetic field, because even when the lobster is far removed from its place of origin, it immediately heads on a bearing that will take it home. The theory has been tested by noting that inserting magnets, with powers similar to the earth's own, near the lobster throws off the homing ability. If the local magnetic field is adjusted to match that of the "known" location, the lobster will take off toward the simulated homeland. This is quite a feat for an invertebrate, which is generally considered to be amongst the lowest of life forms (politicians, lawyers, etc.).

LadyBug LB5954L Power Sensor with LAN Option - RF Cafe

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe