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We're All Freaks... In Our Own Sort of Way
Kirt's Cogitations™ #95

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We're All Freaks... In Our Own Sort of Way

The U.S. Declaration of Independence asserts, in part, "WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal..." Well, maybe in spirit we are. In fact, there is quite a large anatomical disparity amongst our fellow men. For instance, less than <1% of people have the extra bone called a neck rib, and 8% of adults actually have a 13th chest rib. 20% of us lack a pyramidalis muscle attached to our pubic bones, and 9% of the population goes without a plantaris muscle in the lower leg. Some people have two subclavius muscles running from the first rib to the collar bone, some have one, and some have none at all. 11% of your fellow man does without a palmaris muscle running from the elbow to the wrist. That is just on the inside where normally not seen. Many people are born with a 3rd eyelid or 6th toe, which are more overtly evident. These are genetically coded entities and not just freak personal malformations. So, the next time some indignant know-it-all flips about how everyone is the same inside, send him to RF Cafe to set him straight.

PCB Directory (Manufacturers)
Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe