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NASA: Happy Birthday Fermi

This story was retrieved from the NASA website. Neither NASA nor any other entity represented in the article endorses this website.

Happy Birthday Fermi

Posted on Jun 11, 2012 10:26:12 PM | Julie McEnery

NASA's Fermi birthday cake - RF Cafe

The cake features a (hand drawn) Fermi gamma-ray skymap, showing the bright band produced by diffuse emission from the disk of our Galaxy, the Fermi bubbles (in black) - huge lobes of gamma-rays extending above and below the Galactic disk, and many point sources of gamma-rays (active galaxies, pulsars and much more).

The Fermi observatory, sculpted here from fondant, shows the Large Area Telescope (grey box) and a 3-d representation of the NaI (black/yellow) and BGO (orange) detectors of the gamma-ray burst monitor. Combined these instruments provide observations over an extraordinarily large swath of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 8keV to over 300 GeV).

A pen is included to show the scale - this was a monstrous cake! The 70 or so of us at the launch anniversary celebration only got through half the cake, despite being a delicious combination of chocolate and vanilla. This is fortunate for our waistlines given the following ingredient list:
7 lbs flour
9 lbs sugar
30 eggs
6 lbs butter
3 lbs marshmallow
1 lb corn starch
8 cups of buttermilk

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