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FCC Releases 2011 International Traffic Data |
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Released: April 26 2013
Federal Communications Commission News Media
Washington, D.C. - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today
released an annual report entitled 2011 International Telecommunications Data regarding international message
telephone, private line and miscellaneous services between the United States and other countries. Commission staff
has prepared a graphical snapshot of this 2011 data, available at
For a snapshot of how international traffic has changed over the last ten years, staff has prepared a depiction
of international traffic data in a graphical interface, available at
Statistical Findings · The average per-minute charge to U.S. consumers for international
calls fell 18% from $0.06 per minute in 2010 to $0.05 per minute in 2011. From 2000 to 2011, the charge has decreased
89%, from $0.47 per minute to $0.05 per minute. · International “U.S.-billed” traffic – primarily traffic
originating in the United States – increased 18.1%, from 62.4 billion minutes in 2010 to 73.7 billion minutes in
2011. · Of the top ten countries with the most U.S.-billed minutes, India minutes increased the most. U.S.-billed
minutes to India increased 45% from 15.9 billion in 2010 to 23.1 billion in 2011.· Although minutes were up, total
U.S.-billed revenues for international telephone, private line and other miscellaneous services (e.g., frame relay/ATM,
switched Ethernet, TDM/TDMA, virtual private network, and virtual private line) decreased collectively 2%, from
$4.6 billion in 2010 to $4.5 billion in 2011.
U.S.-International Services Billed Revenues
(Shown in Thousands of Dollars) 2010 2011
Percent Change Telephone $4,039,237 $3,933,550
Private Line 514,639 518,485 0.7% Other Miscellaneous 19,102 12,925
Total Billed Revenues $4,572,978 $4,464,961 -2.4% · U.S. carriers’ net settlement
payments (amounts they pay to terminate traffic overseas, less settlement amounts received from foreign carriers)
increased 4%. Retained international revenues (revenues after settlement payments are made) decreased 7% from 2010
to 2011.
Total U.S.-Billed Revenues, Net Settlement Payments, and Retained Revenues (Shown
in Thousands of Dollars) 2010 2011
Percent Change Total Billed Revenues $4,572,978 $4,464,961
Net Settlement (2,087,656) (2,161,048) 3.5%
Retained Revenues $2,485,322 $2,303,913
-7.3% · Pure resale traffic decreased 7.8%, from 80.8 billion minutes in 2010 to 74.5 billion minutes in 2011.
Billed revenues for resale services decreased 3.4%, from $5.8 billion in 2010 to $5.6 billion in 2011. The total
number of carriers reporting resale services increased 1.6%, from 1,211 in 2010 to 1,230 in 2011. · Interconnected
VoIP services currently are not included in carriers’ FCC Part 43 data submissions and are not reflected in this
report. Their inclusion in future reports will result in an increase in reported traffic. The report is available
for reference in the FCC’s Reference Information Center at 445 12th Street, S.W., Courtyard Level, Washington, D.C.
20554. Copies may be purchased by contacting the FCC’s duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc., Portals
II, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room CY-B402, Washington D.C. 20554, telephone 1-800-378-3160, facsimile 202-488-5563,
or via e-mail at www.bcpiweb.com. The report can also be downloaded
[file name: CREPOR11.ZIP or CREPOR11.PDF] at www.fcc.gov/international-bureau.