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DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe

A Surprising Message from Scott Adams

A SUrprising Message from Dilbert Creator Scott Adams - RF CafeThe creator of Dilbert, Dogbert, Catbert, Wally, Alice, Asok, and the pointy-haired boss has just endorsed a presidential candidate based on a medical marijuana prosecution. Keep in mind that Scott Adams suffered a rather severe nervous system malady in the middle of the last decade. Although I cannot find anything for certain about whether he uses it himself, there is a good chance that he does. Adams, you might recall, lost his ability to speak and to draw for a couple years, then miraculously gained back most of his functionality. The Dilbert cartoon rarely ventures overtly into political themes, so it will be interesting to see if a strip on the subject appears between now and election day.

Posted October 2012

DC-70 GHz RF Cables - RF Cafe

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