RF Cascade Workbook for Excel
RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio
RF & Electronics Symbols for Office
RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio
RF Workbench
T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads
Espresso Engineering Workbook™
Smith Chart™ for Excel
Featured Book: Handbook of RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Components |
of RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Components, by Sergey
M. Smolskiy, Leonid A. Belov, and Victor N. Kochemasov. This unique
and comprehensive resource offers you a detailed treatment of the operations
principles, key parameters, and specific characteristics of active and
passive RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave components. The book covers
both linear and nonlinear components that are used in a wide range of
application areas, from communications and information sciences, to
avionics, space, and military engineering. This practical book presents
descriptions and clear examples and of the best materials and products
used in the field, including laminates, prepregs, substrates; microstrip,
coaxial and waveguide transmission lines; fixed and rotating connectors;
matching and adjusting elements; frequency filters; phase shifters;
and ferrite gates and circulators.
Posted May 2013 |