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KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

"No, I Won't Sign Your NDA"

No, I Won't Sign Your NDA - RF CafeI'm a little conflicted and even a bit dubious about this article that appeared in the March 2013 edition of Inc magazine. The short piece by Chris Heivly, co-founder and managing director of the Triangle Startup Factory, insists that start-ups looking for investment capital should not expect initial talks to be predated upon the signing of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). To do so, says the author, destroys 'deal flow' - the momentum he and his brethren investors need in order to quickly assess potential in many ideas being presented from many comers. In that case, the risk lies almost entirely with the investment seeker since he either lays his most valuable cards on the table in hopes that the investor is honest enough to not divulge his competitive forte, or forfeit an opportunity to develop his life's dream. What if your exposed plan that does not pass muster with the investor happens to provide just the tip needed for one of the investor's active clients either currently or in the future? Even an honest player can inadvertently tip off your hand. It's a tough call.

Posted  March 2013


KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe
RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe


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