RF Cascade Workbook for Excel
RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio
RF & Electronics Symbols for Office
RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio
RF Workbench
T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads
Espresso Engineering Workbook™
Smith Chart™ for Excel
Sherlock Ohms: Least-Obvious Signals Sometimes Bite You |
Ohms is a regular feature of Design News that presents
submissions from readers about troubleshooting challenges and how they
were solved. This story titled "The Least-Obvious Signals Sometimes
Bite You." When is a digital circuit not a digital circuit? When somebody
forgot that ultimately everything is an analog circuit, and things like
L, R, and C combine in the most insidious ways to derail a design...
April 2013 |