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Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe

Will It Blend? iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3

Will It Blend?iPhone 5 vs. Galaxy S3 - RF CafeBlendtec blender guy Tom is at it again, this time pitting an iPhone 5 side-by-side against a Galaxy S3 in yet another "Will It Blend?" adventure. This might be a first in Blendtec history - two blenders going at the same time! ...and to think you were alive at this moment in history to witness it personally (sort-of)! Slo-mo photography really adds to the excitement and anticipation. Early in the game the iPhone 5 is really taking a beating by the Blendtec Total Blender's razor sharp hardened steel blades, powered by one of the industry's most powerful motors. The tough case of the Galaxy S3 is still intact long after the iPhone 5 is reduced to fine black powder and a few bits of metal. Finally, the challenger subdues and meets a similar fate, brought low by the relentless pounding of the Blendtec. Hear Tom's hilarious description of the remains at the end of the video.

Posted  March 2013


Tennode microwave devices - RF Cafe
LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Anritsu Test Equipment - RF Cafe