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JobLens™: Nokia's Augmented Reality Job Search App

Are you in the market for a new job as an intern, part-time, temporary, or full-time worker and are not quite sure how to go about finding out where the kind of employment you are seeking is located? Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply drive or walk around town and any place that fit the bill would be highlighted for you automatically? Nokia has a app for that, and it's called JobLens™. Using what is termed "Augmented Reality," JobLens assimilates a multitude of social networking services like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Indeed, Here Maps, Windows Live, Salary.com, Zillow, CareerOneStop, Data.uk.gov, Payscale, and other best-in-class content partners along with other location-dependent resources to pinpoint targets for investigation. It might be a little underpowered when looking for an engineering type position, but for more common jobs it could prove to be just the edge you need. I do not own the requisite Nokia smartphone model to try out the JobLens app, but a fellow by the name of Philip B. has provided an overview of JobLens' functionality on a Nokia blog (also one by Adam Fraser). In summary he says, "Open the app and you can swipe between five main panes: Find a job, My network, Recommended, My saved jobs and Resources. Move your phone around and you'll see jobs in different directions, with the job title, company name and distance all showing up. Click on a job and the app provides a lot more information, with an overview of the vacancy showing up. If you think the job is for you, click 'More' and you'll be taken to the job advert itself."

The JobLens app and the Internship Lens app are available for Nokia Lumia 520, 620, 710, 720, 800, 820, 900, 920, 925 and 928 smartphones in the UK, Canada and U.S. Price: Free. Here is Nokia's JobLens disclaimer page that explains how your privacy will be violated... er... affected.

JobLens screen captures (WindowsStore) - RF Cafe  

Posted  October 3, 2013br 

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