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Example Resumes: Engineering Career and Job Hunting Advice for April 20, 2015

Example Resumes: Engineering Career and Job Hunting Advice for April 20, 2015 (classroomclipart.com) - RF CafeThis week's collection of engineering career advice articles includes a few sample resumes as provided by Kim Isaacs, the 'resume expert' at Monster. Having been out of the job search market myself for over a decade, I don't even know what is expected anymore, but Ms. Isaacs believes that she does (and she's probably right). As always, caveat emptor when heeding advice - especially potentially life changing advice - from strangers.



Posted April 20, 2015

RF Cascade Workbook 2018 - RF Cafe
Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe

TotalTemp Technologies (Thermal Platforms) - RF Cafe

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