TekBox Digital Solutions has a presentation in PDF format which discusses product
EMC certification testing and the
reality that greater than 50% of items fail the first go-round. Since the formal, on-the-record testing is
usually an expensive proposition, it behooves companies to perform pre-compliance testing that will provide a
high level of confidence that the product will have success on the first pass. Most consumer type devices can be
tested in a tabletop-size TEM cell (transverse electromagnetic wave) with proper
instrumentation that includes calibrated antennas / RF probes and measurement test equipment.
![TekBox EMC Testing Presentation - RF Cafe](images/tekbox-emc-testing-presentation-1.jpg)
You probably will not be surprised to learn that TekBox manufacturers a lot of the equipment needed to carry
out EMC testing. Saelig Company, an RF
Cafe advertiser, happens to represent the TekBox line.
About 15 years ago I was involved in a lot of RF emissions
testing that involved using TEM cells, and can remember paying a couple thousand dollars for fairly small models.
Things have really changed since then. You can now buy a 4.25" x 7.75" x 15.25 " TEM cell for less than $600 - amazing.
Saelig also sells spectrum analyzers
and other necessary ancillary equipment at good prices.
![Tekox Digital Solutions TEM cells - RF Cafe](images/tekbox-emc-testing-presentation-2.jpg)
Download the entire TekBox "EMC
Pre-Compliance Testing" document.
Posted August 19, 2015