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Tyco Electronics - Press Release 9-11-2007

M/A-COM's Microwave VME TunerTyco Electronics Introduces M/A-COM Microwave VME Tuner

One of the world’s largest suppliers of microwave collection receivers now offers a fast tuning low power VME-based ELINT tuner.

LOWELL, Mass. – September 11, 2007 –  Tyco Electronics announces the M/A-COM TU-6401, a new lightweight low power SIGINT microwave tuner designed for signal search and collection applications. The M/A-COM TU-6401 provides simultaneous narrowband and wideband IF (intermediate frequency) outputs centered at 160 MHz (100 MHz bandwidth) and 1 GHz (500 MHz bandwidth). The tuner’s frequency range operates from 0.5 to 18 GHz and features a RF (radio frequency) down converter which is integrated with a direct digital synthesizer to uncouple tuning speed from phase noise, creating the fastest high performance tuner on the market today.

“The M/A-COM TU-6401 microwave tuner is a valuable tool in the collection, processing and analysis of signals in the RF microwave spectrum,” said, Marty Cunningham, sales and marketing director with Tyco Electronics. “Because of its built-in local oscillator distribution system, the TU-6401 tuner can be used in beam forming and direction finding systems, as well as in a wide range of other electronic signals intelligence and electronic warfare applications.”

The M/A-COM TU-6401 is housed in a two-slot 6U VME package, weighing less than seven pounds. The intermediate frequency and log video outputs are suitable for direct input into an external analog-to-digital converter for special signal processing, spectral analysis and pulse parameterization. The tuner’s noise figure is rated less than 15 dB (<12 dB typical). Sweep speed over the 0.5-18 GHz tuning range per 500 MHz steps is less than 100 µsec and F1 to F2 step tune speed is less than 5 µsec for any step size.

Also designed for single and multi-channel (frequency and amplitude coherent) systems, the M/A-COM TU-6401 tuner contains an on-board FPGA (field programmable gate array), which allows custom operating parameters that can be modified to mission requirements.

Pricing and Availability Please contact Tyco Electronics’ M/A-COM domestic and international sales channels for price and delivery information. Data sheets and supporting technical documents are available online at http://www.macom.com/sigint.


Tyco Electronics, currently a business segment of Tyco International Ltd., is a leading global provider of engineered electronic components, network solutions and wireless systems, with 2006 sales of US$12.7 billion to customers in 150 countries. Tyco Electronics designs, manufactures and markets products for customers in industries from automotive, appliances and aerospace and defense to telecommunications, computers and consumer electronics. With over 8,000 engineers and worldwide manufacturing, sales and customer service capabilities, Tyco Electronics’ commitment is its customers’ advantage. More information on Tyco Electronics can be found at www.tycoelectronics.com.

  • M/A-COM, the TE logo and Tyco Electronics are trademarks.

  • Other products, logos and Company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

# # #For sales information, please contact:

M/A-COM, Inc.
10713 Gilroy Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
Americas -- 1-410-329-7900

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