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Antenna Factor - Press Release 2-11-2008

 Antenna Factor's New Antenna Delivers Outstanding Performance In a Cost-Effective Package

Please click here to visit the Antenna Factor websiteAntenna Factor's PML Series 1/2-wave Antenna Popular PML Series now available at 868 MHz.
Designed for permanent attachment, the PML Series 1/2-wave antenna tilts 180 degrees and delivers outstanding performance in a cost-effective package. An internal counterpoise eliminates external ground plane dependence and maximizes performance. The antenna is available in 868MHz and 916MHz versions. Its threaded base attaches with a supplied nut or by threading it into a PEM-style insert. This method of attachment is highly secure and saves the cost of an antenna connector. The PML Series attaches to a PCB or connector via an 8.5" coax cable. Custom colors, cable lengths, and terminations are available by special order. The PML Series is immediately available and priced at US $4.64 in 1,000 piece quantities.

Antenna Factor
159 Ort Lane
Merlin, OR 97532
PCB Directory (Manufacturers)
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

LadyBug RF Power Sensors

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs