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Free Radio Berkeley - Press Release 2-10-2008

 Summer Radio Camps at Free Radio Berkeley

Free Radio Berkeley is pleased to announce the 2008 schedule of then Summer Radio Camp program. In the fifth year of being offered, these Summer Radio Camps offer a unique hands-on learning opportunity. With less and less emphasis being placed on acquiring actual real world skills at all levels of education, the Summer Radio Camp program provides individuals with the opportunity to learn by doing. During the 4 day Radio Camp participants build a 40 watt FM broadcast transmitter (and other related items such as antennas) and learn how to set up a low power community radio station capable of covering a broadcast radius up to 8 miles depending on terrain and antenna height.

With an emphasis on direct, hands-on learning, participants learn how to solder, identify electronic components, assemble a 40 watt transmitter from a kit of parts, build and tune an antenna, properly setup and test broadcast equipment and much more. Further, participants are given an overview of basic electronics and broadcast engineering.

A workshop fee of $200-$250 sliding scale is charged. At the end of the radio camp session participants may purchase the 40 watt transmitter for $350 - the cost of the kit, power supply and enclosure. A complete package that includes a 5/8 Comet Antenna and 75 feet of coaxial cables costs $525.

The Radio Summer Camps have been attended by a diverse number of people from not only the US but from a number of foreign countries as well. Open to anyone 16 years and older, Summer Radio Camp sessions are held at Free Radio Berkeley's shop in Oakland, CA. Further details on

The 2008 schedule is as follows:

May 23-26, 2008
July 4-July 7, 2008
August 1-4, 2008
August 29-September 1, 2008
For further information or to register for one of the Summer Radio Camp sessions, please contact Free Radio Berkeley. Phone: 510-625-0314. Email: Skype: stephen_dunifer.
everythingRF RF & Microwave Parts Database (h1)
KR Electronics (RF Filters) - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs