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Linx Technologies Press Release - November 1, 2009

Industry Innovators Co-Sponsor RF Design Contest

 Linx TechnologiesLinx-Parallax RF Design Contest - $3k in PrizesMerlin, OR, USA – November 1, 2009 – Linx Technologies Inc. today announced an RF design contest jointly sponsored with Parallax Inc. The contest is based on the new Parallax 433 Transceiver board which incorporates the Linx LT Series transceiver. This easy to use and low cost module is capable of sending and receiving serial data wirelessly between microcontrollers or to a PC, enabling the creation of applications limited only by the designer’s imagination. Three thousand dollars in cash prizes as well as numerous product giveaways will go to winning designs. Contest registration is underway and open until April 30, 2010. All entries must be received by May 31, 2010.

Visit for complete details and contest rules.

About Parallax
Founded in 1986, Parallax is a privately held company located in Rocklin, California. Parallax designs and manufactures microcontroller development tools and small single-board computers that are used by electronic engineers, educational institutions, and hobbyists. The company’s product line includes the popular BASIC Stamp® and Propeller Chip microcontrollers and development software, SX chips and programmers/debuggers, project boards, sensors, educational tools, robotics kits and accessories, and Propeller chips and tools.

About Linx Technologies
Incorporated in April 1997, Linx Technologies quickly became a leading provider within the wireless industry of cost effective, easily applied, and highly versatile radio frequency (RF) products. Today, Linx applies its capacity to simplify electronics to a range of products and technologies including: low-cost wireless voice, data and GPS modules, interface modules, OEM RF products, and encoder/decoder ICs. Through its Antenna Factor and Connector City divisions, Linx also offers a wide range of standard and custom antennas, connectors, and cable assemblies.

Further information regarding this Press Release may be obtained by calling or visiting the companies’
respective websites at:

Linx Technologies
159 Ort Lane
Merlin, OR  97532       (800) 736-6677         (888) 512-1024

All products, logos, and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Posted 11/23/2009
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