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Hittite Press Release - March 5, 2010

Hittite Launches New Ultra-Compact Tunable Filter Product Line!

Low-Pass and Band-Pass MMIC Filters in a 5 x 5 mm SMT package

Click to visit the Hittite website

Hittite HMC88xLP5EChelmsford, MA, 03/05/10 – Hittite Microwave Corporation, the world class supplier of complete MMIC based solutions for communication & military markets, has introduced its 25th product line, tunable filters,  which are ideal for pre-selection in multi-band communication systems, wideband radar, and in test and measurement equipment. Tunable over a 1.0 GHz to 7.6 GHz frequency range, these four new, ultra-compact, varactor-tuned, MMIC filters are inherently stable and their small physical size and insensitivity to environmental conditions provide a superior alternative to competing resonant cavity and MEM solutions.

Hittite HMC88xLP5EThe HMC881LP5E and HMC882LP5E are tunable, seventh-order, low-pass filters (LPF) with adjustable cut-off from 2.2 GHz to 4.0 GHz, and from 4.5 GHz to 7.6 GHz, respectively.  A 0 V to 14 V control signal provides very fast and continuous adjustment of passband cut-off: 5000 GHz/millisecond.  The LPFs maintain stopband rejection of at least 35 dB out beyond 30 GHz.

The HMC890LP5E and HMC891LP5E are tunable, third-order, band-pass filters (BPF) with two independent voltage controls for adjustment of pass-band frequency and bandwidth.  Filter center frequency is adjustable from 1.0 GHz to 2.0 GHz, and from 2.0 GHz to 3.9 GHz, respectively.  Pass-bandwidth is adjustable to ±3% of filter center frequency.  Like the companion low pass filters, return loss is 10 dB and the BPFs maintain stop-band rejection of at least 30 dB out to 9 GHz.
The HMC881LP5E, HMC882LP5E, HMC890LP5E and HMC891LP5E are available in a compact, RoHS compliant   5 x 5 mm QFN SMT plastic package and are specified for operation from -40 °C to +85 °C.
Samples and evaluation PC boards for all SMT packaged products are available from stock and can be ordered via the company’s e-commerce site or via direct purchase order. Released data sheets are available on-line at
Hittite Microwave Corporation is an innovative designer and manufacturer of analog and mixed-signal ICs, modules, subsystems and instrumentation for digital, RF, microwave and millimeterwave applications covering DC to 110 GHz. Our RFIC/MMIC products are developed using state-of-the-art GaAs, GaN, InGaP/GaAs, InP, SOI, SiGe, CMOS and BiCMOS semiconductor processes utilizing MESFET, HEMT, pHEMT, mHEMT, HBT and PIN devices. Our custom and standard products support a wide range of wireless / wired communications and radar applications for Automotive, Broadband, Cellular/4G, Fiber Optics, Microwave & Millimeterwave Communications, Military, Test & Measurement, and Space markets.

Beth McGreevy
MarCom Manager
Hittite Microwave Corporation
20 Alpha Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Phone: 978-250-3343
Fax: 978-250-3373

Posted 3/12/2010
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